Best Time Management Strategies

Episode 18: Best Time Management Strategies, with Molly Rose Speed

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The best time management strategies are key to a business’s growth. Learn and use the best time management strategies today!

The best time management strategies are something that you need to practice to get you ahead of the game. Molly Rose Speed will be your guide on these strategies, especially on how you can apply to both your personal and professional life!

Molly Rose is an expert in creating what everyone wants more of — time and freedom. Through her methods of intelligent systems, automation, and outsourcing, you’ll experience another 10-15 hours per week of freedom and flexibility.

As the founder of Virtual Assistant Management which provides trusted Virtual Assistant solutions and flawless tech execution for busy entrepreneurs, Molly Rose is the go-to professional for some of the most successful entrepreneurs and leaders in the financial and personal development industries.

Molly Rose is an awarded military spouse and solo world traveler who believes in creating a business and a life that allows you to do more of what you love.


What you will learn in this episode is about the best time management strategies:

  • How Molly Rose Speed became an expert in the field of virtual assistant training
  • How we can solve time constraints by practicing the best time management strategies
  • How can we stay in the zone of genius – and why dedicating time to our zone of genius actually adds value back into our business
  • Why it is so beneficial to clearly identify the priorities that can be outsourced
  • Molly’s blueprint for avoiding burnout– and getting in the right spot of energy



Best Time Management Strategies: Full Episode Transcript


The best time management strategies will be discussed in full detail in this podcast episode. Listen now and learn something new for your business!


Welcome to the Sell with Authority podcast. I’m Stephen Woessner, CEO of Predictive ROI. My team and I created this podcast specifically for you. So, suppose you’re an agency owner, a business coach, or a strategic consultant looking to grow a thriving, profitable business that can weather the constant change that is our world’s reality well. In that case, you’re in the right place.


We’ll cover proven strategies for attracting a steady stream of well-prepared, right-fit prospects into your sales pipeline. If you want to learn how to step away from the sea of competitors so you stand out on the ground, you’re standing on, yeah, we’re going to cover that, too. Do you want to future-proof your business so you can navigate the following challenges that come your way?


Well, absolutely. We will help you there as well. I promise you that each episode of this podcast will contain valuable insights and tangible examples of best practices, not theory. From thought leaders, experts, and owners who have done exactly what you’re working hard to do. So, I want you to think practical and tactical. Never any fluff. Each of our guests has built a position of authority and then monetized that position by claiming their ground, growing their audience, nurturing leads, and converting sales.


But all the while, they did it by being helpful. So, every time someone from their audience turned around there, they were given a valuable answer to an important question. So the prospects never, ever felt like they were prospects. I also promise you that every strategy we discuss and every tool we recommend will be shared in complete transparency in each episode so you can plant your flag of authority, claim your ground, and fill your sales pipeline with a steady stream of right-fit clients.


Check out Virtual Assistant Management and why it’s one of the best time management strategies for your business


Best Time Management Strategies: Molly Rose Speed’s Introduction


I’m super excited for you to meet our exceptional guest expert today, Molly Rose Speed. So, if you’re meeting Molly Rose for the first time, she’s the founder of Virtual Assistant Management and an expert in creating what everyone wants more of as time. So how does she do that? So her team, through systems automation outsourcing, you and your team will experience another 10 to 15 hours per week of time and flexibility.


So, I agree. Adding 15 hours back to your schedule or your team’s schedule is significant. But I think the opportunity is more prominent: the chance to gain more time or to see that another way—to solve the time constraint by incorporating the best time management strategies. That wasn’t my primary goal when inviting Molly Rose to share her expertise with you. Oops, there sure wasn’t.


I invited Molly Rose because of the feast and famine. Business development is for many agency owners, business coaches, and strategic consultants. Our tribe here predicts our why in the typical reason or, to put more of a fine point on it, depending upon your paradigm. This is what we hear. We hear this often in Stephen.


We just don’t have time, or, I hear, well, we would do all the things we know that we need to do to solve that problem. But we have too much client work, or we need more client work. So how can we afford the time if we don’t practice the best time management strategies? Or then there’s the catch-all excuse, and maybe you’ve caught yourself saying this, too.


You know, Stephen, it cobbler’s kids have no shoes. So here’s what Molly Rose and I want for you. As a result of listening to this conversation, you no longer hide behind excuses, and instead, you once and for all proactively remove the constraints that restrict your plate and hold back the growth of your business. If you implement the strategies and tactics that Molly Rose shares during this episode, a fantastic thing will happen.


You’ll begin attracting all the right food clients you want because you have the time, and you’ll start filling your sales pipeline. So, without further ado, welcome to the Sell with Authority podcast, Molly Rose. I, Stephen, I’m glad to be here. I am so happy that you said yes. Thank you for taking the time to share your smarts with us. It is going to be such a fun conversation.


Before we dive in with what I’m sure will feel like a barrage of questions coming your way, take us behind the curtain. Let’s go beyond the bio and share more about your context or, excuse me, your path and journey. That will be helpful. That’s what I meant to say about your path and journey, and then we’ll dive in.


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Best Time Management Strategies: How Molly’s Journey Started


Yeah. So it all started. I called myself a former corporate cubicle dweller. I was young, 20-something, right where I should be hustling corporate America. Everyone should have that experience working for a man. I hated my job, and now I commuted 50 minutes each way. I was displaced from what I thought would be my path to Chicago and working my way through corporate finance because I married a military man who took us down to the panhandle of Florida and opened up this whole life that I didn’t see coming.


That included many deployments, different schedules, and much independent time. On the positive side, many excellent relationships, such as military, spouse, community, and friends, were built. And when I was working, I was missing so much. You know, the commute home was very long. I wasn’t able to cook dinner when he was home.


I wasn’t able to drop off at deployment and wasn’t able to travel, and that’s what we wanted to do when he was home. So, I realized quickly that something needed to change. I quit my job cold turkey and wailed about it for 4 to 6 months, which was probably the most uncomfortable time of my life not doing much. The best time management strategies are still not within my reach and I have to do something about it.


I discovered this path of becoming a virtual assistant. I started as a social media campaign manager, and I didn’t know exactly what I was doing, but I learned quickly. It just developed into supporting online entrepreneurs, agency owners, coaches, financial advisors, and business owners from all walks of life.


And along the way, that military spouse community that I referenced kept seeing what I was doing because my life became what I wanted it to be. I was traveling. I work in Europe and get on my computer every morning and then explore in the afternoon. I was earning a good income, and I’d come home, and they’d all say, “Can I take you out for coffee? Can we meet? Can we be?” And I’m having the same conversation. 


I realized there’s something here for this market. So, I created a virtual assistant academy and trained over 130 virtual assistants. I think 80% of them are military spouses, which I’m so passionate and proud of. And then, along the way, Drew McFarland gave me some great advice, and he said, “You need to start placing virtual assistants, like, do you put them?”


He had one of my first placements, and it spiraled into what it is today. So now we certify virtual assistants, and there’s so much more to that, which we’ll get into. And then we also place them with business owners probably like yourselves. That is amazing. Amazing. Okay, so thank you for taking us behind the curtain.


Check out Virtual Assistant Management and why it’s one of the best time management strategies for your business


Best Time Management Strategies: How Virtual Assistants Can Save You Precious Time


And let’s talk about the timeline too, and how you considered it to be one of the best time management strategies around. When you’re doing the work as a virtual assistant, at what point did it click that there could be a business opportunity here? About five years, then. So we’ve been doing this for about ten years, actually, but four years then.


And I’m thrilled it took that long because it allowed me to become an expert. This is what you teach, right? And what I’m doing. So I wasn’t just someone that woke up one day. I was like, I’m going to do this. I learned everything from email management to creating websites, which is something other than something a VA should do.


But there are so many things that go into owning all my businesses that I became an expert in. So now, when I’m asked if my virtual assistant team knows how to do something, I can either train them on it or they already know we have a training program. Part of this is in. When you began your story, you said, “I’m quoting you here when you said something needed to change.”


I was so delighted because, as I highlighted in my notes, something needs to change. The quote is because our audience would agree when they think about their situation and that something needs to change. So, I sounded a bit forceful, but hopefully not judgmental, in the introduction. Still, the excuse or the rationale of excuse me, in a way, the not having time, is really a researcher’s play on their business growth.


Something needs to change. So, let’s talk about listing at a high level first. Let’s go to a 30,000-foot view so we can paint the possibilities or how you paint the chances of how 10 to 15 hours a week might be freed up. And then we’ll get into the idea that if you apply those 10 to 15 hours toward this, that could really help grow the business.


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Best Time Management Strategies: The Zone of Genius


So, let’s go high-level first. Why do you think it’s 10 to 15 hours? Let’s start slicing that apart. One of the exercises I have entrepreneurs and business owners do right when they come into our community or reach out to us is to start assessing where they spend their time, right? It’s simple, but no one does it. This means that the best time management strategies is not on their side yet.


You quickly realize how much time you spend checking that email, doing that social media post, writing that blog, or posting the blog. We do thousands of things as business owners that we should not be doing. But it’s not only the time but also the mental energy that’s drained by doing those things.


And that’s what’s missed. So we put all these must need, must do business things first instead of, you know, building relationships with the client or what I like to say. This term has been coined a thousand times, but staying in your zone of genius is why you started this business in the first place, giving you that energy.


If you’re in the right spot with it, that energy propels you ten times faster than when you’re doing work that you’re not supposed to be doing. So that’s what’s important, and that’s the defining factor there. And the 10 to 15 hours is—I always say that because it’s such an easy thing to really identify.


I can look at someone’s workload and find the 10 hours quickly, and they’ll be freed up. But to your point, it’s what they do with it. Okay, so let me take this litmus test piece of the start assessing where they spend their time and combine that with what you said, staying in your zone of genius.


Check out Virtual Assistant Management and why it’s one of the best time management strategies for your business


Best Time Management Strategies: The 2 to 3 Year Cycle


So if, let’s say, an agency owner, business coach, or consultant who’s listening to you right now, let’s say they define their genius zone. Then they do the activity like what you’re just talking about the start of something; I think if I hear you right, is going to find the zone a genius, and then when you assess the time, anything that is not inside the box of your area of genius, why in the world is that on your plate?


Absolutely. When I work with business owners, it’s baby steps if they’ve never had this kind of support. So I’m not saying do that and then dump all of that off your initial very uncomfortable list, but start. We have a prioritization process that we go through. What are the things that you should not be doing? Dump the energy the times you start there, and then we will walk you through what that is.


I love that because I’ll like it too when Erik, my business partner, is going, you know, when Erik, you know, one of his areas of genius or zone or genius is niche. He has a depth of expertise in helping somebody in their niche down and stepping into abundance, not scarcity. And when he starts talking about that, I mean, you can literally see somebody’s face go, ooh, thinking, my gosh, I have to fire all my clients on Monday.


No. He goes on to explain that, you know, it’s a 2 to 3-year process. Andrew said the same thing. It’s a 2 to 3-year cycle. So you’re saying that you build your box, develop, or get specific about what you’re going to geniuses. Assess your time, and then recognize that it’s a process you don’t like.


Dump all of these tasks on Monday to someone who’s not trained or ready, and you’re setting that person up for failure, but you recognize that it’s a journey, right? Yes, absolutely and 2 to 3 years. It’s fantastic to have that plan. But what I see as well, especially in this space, is once you feel the relief of getting those things off your plate, you’re like, this is almost like a high.


You’re like, this is amazing and it’s certainly one of the best time management strategies. And then they’re calling me, I need more hours, I need more hours, you know? So it starts with baby steps, and then you just get comfortable. But you can take a long time. You’re right. Okay. So, let’s talk about that piece, though, because that initial traction and confidence is trust. Whatever word you want to use is essential.


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Best Time Management Strategies: Trusting Your People to Understand Your Business


And so it runs the gamut. So give us your view of when you start seeing that happen, and then build the trust piece. Yes, great question. So we’re all human. We all make mistakes. We all have to have our gut checked. And that’s what’s important when you’re interviewing someone and bringing them into the fold of your business, your baby, essentially for most people listening to this who have started these fantastic companies.


So it’s an intuition, a gut check when you’re hiring. Going through an agency like mine, we know our virtual assistants, we do background checks, we get to know them, and we do really good quality checks to place them with the right people. And that’s really important. But when it comes to offloading anything personal, it could be credentials, it could be writing blogs for you.


It’s very personal. You’ve been doing it for a long time. Start with simple things and then see how they do and how the trust builds. You’re going to start to see the support that you’re getting from a virtual or any staff support where they begin to come in as your partner and go, Hey, let’s start doing this, and we start to care about your business in a way that you probably didn’t expect to have to happen.


This happens a lot, and that’s when you start to understand that they love your business just as much as you do, and you can start to really begin to trust them to hold the keys to, you name it. Credentials, writing copy for your company, speaking with your customers, and the really personal things that happen within your business.


I have clients who do this from the get-go, and they just trust people. And then I have people who it happens around every 3 to 6 months and takes little time. Okay. And I should probably also say that it is just in the interest of full transparency, as our audience knows that we’re big fans of sharing things good, bad, and otherwise, but we share all of that and full transparency.


Check out Virtual Assistant Management and why it’s one of the best time management strategies for your business


Best Time Management Strategies: The Blueprint to Guiding Your VA


So we have a couple of teammates on our team here, predictive full-time teammates who are now on. We’ve built a year of career path for them. They’re on the track now to join our leadership team with Erik and me, so we’re looking at building out their careers comprehensively. One is an across whom some of you have met during our last four clients, 3.0 on June 22nd, where she presented that she was running our Predictive lab.


She runs all the experiments through the Predictive lab. Her fingerprints are on all of them. Then Megan Kimmel, who is now our operations manager, has this amazing five-year career path. We have worked with Megan for several years. How did we meet Megan? Through Molly Rose. How did we meet Hanna? Through Megan Kimmel?


Both are military spouses who have done an incredible predictive modeling job, and we’ve done exactly what you’re talking about. Molly Rose, because we are following the path that you mapped out for us, we started with simple things, and then, when the trust built, we went to more comprehensive things, and then they joined our team full-time, which has been amazing.


So, we just followed your blueprint. Let’s get even more specific about the simple things you mentioned and then grow over time. So, if you had to architect out for an agency coach consultant, what are some of the simple things that you would start a VA out with? And then, and I know you’ve mentioned a couple of things like a blog and so forth, but let’s put the list in even more specifics.


What are some of the simple things that you might assign initially to help build trust and then see it grow from there? Yeah. The primary thing owners should do is outsource their scheduling. It’s the essential thing that needs to happen, but it can get tedious and technical. So you’re seeing how they can work and making sure it’s accurate. Scheduling is relatively easy, but it can be for the wrong person. You’re not putting the best time management strategies into play here.


So they’re proving themselves right from the beginning. Email organization or inbox management bogs down every business owner. I think it’s an abusive business. That’s a whole other conversation. But having an assistant come in, clean your inbox, prioritize what’s important, and take care of the things they can take care of as time goes on is a whole process for inbox management. And that’s pretty solid when you think about the best time management strategies you have experienced so far.


It’s super basic. But again, building trust, understanding what’s important and what’s not, seeing if they get it, seeing if they understand what’s driving the business. And I say a third thing, for example, would be, if you don’t have your own billing company and you do it yourself, is invoicing something very simple or expense management? If they’re kind of an analytical person, they can get in there and do that.


You trusted someone with your numbers and ensured they were accurately invoicing someone, but they need more trust in your credentials. Still, they’re building their competency and trust within your business, and you can see how they begin to work with you. So those are the three things I initially see. The fourth, to bring it up because I know it’s a hot hitter for business owners, is running the company’s social media or getting into that.


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Best Time Management Strategies: Find a VA That’s a Good Fit for The Team


As we all know, that takes a unique person in the marketing world. Social media has its beast. But that’s another thing that comes up a lot. That’s a good thing to start with, with assistants to get in there. From there, it gets to what level they will have with your customer.


So if the customers are calling and inquiring about something, are they the first line of contact and kind of seeing how they do there with the intake, getting them to the right person on your team, or maybe there’s a process that they can walk them through to qualify them as a customer. That’s super important. Then, what is hand-adjusted for you would be the third level of presenting to your customers. Being an expert almost within your organization, that’s where you’re ramping them up within your thing.


At that point, they’re not virtual assistants. They’re marketing whatever the role is within your company, so it really can go anywhere. Okay, that’s an excellent spectrum, and it really maps out somebody. Maybe it’s not a career path from that point. Maybe it’s how they’re going to provide some initial benefit, build trust over time, and then grow into a full-time capacity.


If you choose to write it, you certainly don’t have to. But if you decide to, you can grow the right person into that. Okay, so then let’s say that someone in our audience is thinking, “Okay, I totally get the pass, I totally get all of that, but how do I ensure that I’m going to find somebody or that the Molly Rose’s team can find somebody who’s going to be the right fit for me?”


How will the best time management strategies be beneficial for me? I want to spend my time on something other than scads of time and training this person. I don’t just think there’s probably a litany of things that make stepping into this sound complex, which is the reverse of time and freedom. How does somebody then ensure they will get a good fit for them in their team, their culture, and all of that?


It all starts with getting very clear about what you need. So, we talked about assessing your zone of genius or identifying that earlier. Evaluate all the things on your plate that could be clearer about outsourcing priorities. First, I recommend not starting with the whole list, the entire kit caboodle; giving that to someone like me or whoever your prospect is as a this is where we’re headed is very important to make sure that they have the competencies, but prioritizing what is now for the hours that you’re willing to invest and bring them into the fold.


Again, it’s a baby step in every direction of investment and money: investment and what you’re getting off your plate and getting that person up to speed. So, the time it takes to do that is super important. Then, I will look at their personality traits. So everybody’s different, and you will be surprised. Some people come to me and say, I want an introvert like me.


I want someone who is just really good. They take a test list, run with it, and update me. If there are any issues, then there are the people who are like, “Nope, I want someone who can tell me what to do. They hunt me down. They’re really bossy. I need that.” So it’s exciting to get different bolts because I would imagine people just want, “Hey, I just need someone to give me a task list on Monday. It’s done by Friday. We get an update.” There are issues, but that’s not the case. 


So, it’s essential to assess how your business operates, how you operate as an individual, and the communication style you would like. There are several assessments out there you can do. These days, it’s doing some type of team analysis.


It’s essential for scaling your business to pick diverse people on your team and look at what’s missing. So that’s super important. Lastly, just the technical stuff, getting through time zones, hours, availability, fee rates, and your job description. I love this because, like you’re going through that, I literally wrote in my news or in my newsletter Cheese, I wrote a newsletter in my notes when I wrote the newsletter.


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Best Time Management Strategies: How To Delegate Tasks to Your VA


I’ll get to that in just a second. Let’s go back to when you’re giving a simple bucket, the scheduling, the inbox management, the invoicing, maybe it’s the running social media. When I see those kinds of tasks, I think, okay, if an owner listening to you right now did the scheduling inbox and something else in the same category, then does that free up 5 to 10 hours on a monthly or, excuse me, weekly basis?


That person and/or a teammate could send out the weekly newsletter. One of the things we hear when we hear the cobbler’s kids have no shoes is the monthly newsletter sent out three times a year. It’s not monthly or weekly because then things get in the way.


But then, does that give you the time and space to send out a weekly or monthly newsletter, or does it give you the time and space to appear as a podcast guest so you can grow your audience? Where does this fit into the best time management strategies? So, take some of these initial things and give those to somebody who’s competent, trained, super professional, and going to do the work well.


So, you can do these things and just step closer and closer to the box. You created your zone of genius, right? Absolutely. I love the way you articulate that back. That makes the fact clear. All right. So, let’s go back to the first step and see if there’s a next step. And maybe there isn’t.


It could be as simple as articulating your zone of genius and assessing your time while also realizing how the best time management strategies can be advantageous. Then, maybe the second step is doing a simple task like maybe the second step is ocean glaze over. That is, finding the right fit and working with somebody like Molly Rose and her team. Obviously, we’ve done that and have been very, very pleased and continue to do that.


The third step is assigning simple tasks. So, as a new teammate is taking on inbox scheduling or whatever else is in that simple bucket, you’re picking up gassy somewhere or writing some content or whatever things that you don’t really get to. What’s next after that, or if there is something after that? So, speaking directly to your audience, I think there are two different ways to look at it.


Our business assistant is coming in, doing tasks for your business or your service offerings for your clients, right? So smart. That’s very different. I wouldn’t necessarily have them wear the same person, wear two hats. They are doing client work and being an account manager, so they could be your podcast production assistant, right? In this case, are they doing the newsletter for productivity our way?


I think that’s super important. So we talked about the basics and the base. That’s the stuff that gets done every week. It’s got such a piece for it. Once you do it, you know how to do it over and over and over. And the next step is managing the whole process.


So it’s to your point, taking the newsletter, then loading it or getting it approved and loading it, then looking at the statistics of who opened what and what we do with that. If it’s producing a podcast, you know, you’re getting all the assets from the client, and the recording drops in. Do we have the shot? You know, that’s all basic gathering, that type of stuff.


But then, okay, let’s load it and put it together so it gets syndicated properly. I’m managing that whole process, and then we’re sharing it on social media, announcing it to everyone, and talking about it within the community. You know, there are levels to this, giving someone that entire, let’s use podcasting as an example, and I hope that’s a good example to be using right now.


But there are a lot of things that go into interviewing someone and producing it. That’s a lot. That’s a lot to expect from a new assistant coming into your team. You can see how you can shunt it to where they could produce everything from start to finish. If that is something of value to you or your newsletter within your internal company, whatever that looks like.


This is amazing. And because as you’re describing that for good or for ill, I don’t know if this sort of weird in my mind jumps, but I immediately went to, “Okay, that’s not just for the owner, that’s for every single teammate should be doing this same exercise that you walked us through.” To genius, assess your time, and let’s say that that is because all of us, you know, complain about wearing so many hats inside a small to midsize agency, coaching practice, or consultancy.


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Best Time Management Strategies: More Free Hours When You Hire the Right VA


Everybody’s got a lot of things to do. And so if they followed your advice and did this owner genius and then the assessing their time, then you know, potentially that’s each person finding 10 hours a week, and you take that across a team of, let’s say, just five. We’re talking about 50 hours a week, 40 to 50 hours a week, that could then be delegated to one person or multiple people who free up 40 to 50 hours a week, which could then be dedicated toward the zone of genius.


Part of that should be the argument that I would make, right? Yep, I agree. And I’d add more. I want one to be more than this, but 10 to 20% of personal development. Do you think about how we’re all burning ourselves out and where the growth within our businesses is?


Small businesses probably do better than corporations, but that’s so important. For example, as a leader, you’re fostering your team to come through, or is it an online course your team member wants to take to enhance their sales skills, readership, podcast production, or whatever it might be?


That’s also a super important key because it keeps retention and keeps people happy and healthy. It may be that I need an hour a day to walk and listen to a podcast, whatever that is, that adds value back into the business. Let’s think about our perspective on writing a book. And often, what we hear in my guest is, you listen to it too, from owners as, “Gosh, I would love to write a book.”


I feel like I have a book inside me. But where in the world can I find the time? And then you start breaking down the math. And you know, the typical business book here in the U.S. is about 60050 to 60000, you know, words. And when and I’m just going to use your mouse on the low end, it’s 10 hours a week.


The best time management strategies really hits the spot with this one, right? Let’s say somebody writes 500 words an hour. I know many of our listeners will write way more words than an hour. As an example, the typical business book has 10 to 12 chapters, each about 5000 words. So, in an efficient and tactical sense, we’re talking about 10 hours, and 500 words an hour is 5000 words a week, which is one chapter, meaning it should take 12 weeks.


If you find the right teammate, writing that book you’ve always wanted should take 12 weeks or three months, which would be great for your agency, coaching practice, or consultancy. So, is there anything else to add to that math, or do you see any potholes in that calculus?


No, that’s dead on. And the point you’re driving is, okay, you freed up these 10 hours. You must take those 10 hours strictly and do something productive; that’s driving business. This is done for your business, writing your book, and providing a perfect example if that’s in your business model. So it’s a direct correlation, and my 10 hours were scattered all over.


Well, you need to look at your calendar and start walking time, right? That’s probably the next stage of all of this and getting intentional and productive with how you use your available time. So good. Another question that someone in our audience might have is, “Well, yeah, but what’s the ROI on that?”


Well, let’s take where Molly Rose was going with that. What’s the ROI of the book? Well, that’s a whole different conversation. And each goes back to a couple of weeks ago when I interviewed Henry DeVries, who owns a publishing company and is also a columnist for, and he talked about the actual title. The episode was Marketing with a book and how that can be such a driver to your business. Molly Rhodes just gave you the blueprint to get the book done.


Check out Virtual Assistant Management and why it’s one of the best time management strategies for your business


Best Time Management Strategies: Money Can’t Buy Time


So, Molly, that covered a lot, and there’s probably more they could cover. We must come in for a landing because our time is short. But before we go, before we close out and say goodbye, any final advice you’d like to share? Did you think we missed anything on the best time management strategies?


Please tell our audience how best to connect with you and your team. Two commodities are probably the most important to us, money. Money’s great, but we all know it doesn’t buy happiness, and money can cause problems. And all the things about money. But then there’s time, and it’s the one thing we can’t create more of for ourselves, right?


We have 24 hours a day; hopefully, we all live till or well in our nineties. And it’s essential to begin assessing how you use your time and get back to why you started your business in the first place. Those 27 hats are how many you wear now because of everything you need to get done. You don’t have to be doing all the things you need to get done.


So you’re the only ones choosing to continue to do it day in, day out. Taking some of the things that Stephen and I just shared and getting into action is what I am calling you all to do. Just begin with assessing that zone of genius, that thing that lights you up every day for why you started this business in the first place, and then start evaluating where you’re spending your time instead and just see where it takes you.


So, if you need to hire an assistant or a different person on your team, I hope you will consider checking out That’s where we place our certified virtual assistants. On the flip side, people around you always want to work with you. So check out your networks and see what talent is in your backyard.


That’s super important since it’s part of the best time management strategies that we discussed. I represent military spouses. I’m passionate about those I serve and support and would love to hear from you. That is awesome. Okay, everyone, no matter how many notes you took or how often you go back and relisten to Molly Rose’s words of wisdom, the key is to take action like she just said: Take everything that she shared with you, generously, distill that down and take action upon it.


And when you do, you’ll start to accelerate your results and, importantly, get past the restrictor plate constraining your growth and no longer have to say and rationalize why something that, you know, needs to get done, why it’s no longer getting done. You can start with a simple and grow from there. And Molly Rose, thank you again for taking time out of your compressed schedule to say yes, come on to the show, and share your insights and wisdom so that we could all grow and move our businesses to that next level.


Thank you so much, my friend. Thank you for having me.


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Sell with Authority Podcast

The Sell with Authority Podcast is for agency owners, business coaches, and strategic consultants who are looking to grow a thriving, profitable business that can weather the constant change that seems to be our world’s reality.

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