High Impact Coaching
Episode 19: High Impact Coaching, with Kim Ades
High impact coaching, a podcast episode with Kim Ades. Learn how to prioritize innovation for business growth through high impact coaching.
High impact coaching, a discussion with Kim Ades on how you will become the best in your industry when you’re with the right coach!
Kim Ades (pronounced add-iss) is the Founder of Frame of Mind Coaching™ and Co-Founder of The Journal That Talks Back™.
Recognized as a pioneer in the field of leadership coaching and thought mastery, Kim uses her unique philosophy and direct coaching style to help leaders identify their blind spots and learn to direct their thinking to achieve extraordinary results.
Author, speaker, entrepreneur, coach, and mom of five, Kim is dedicated to teaching her high impact coaching process to leaders, executives, and entrepreneurs worldwide.
What you will learn in this episode about high impact coaching:
- Ways we can direct our thinking to achieve extraordinary results when leveraging cornerstone content
- How to implement useful, alternative high impact coaching approaches as opposed to less personal accountability-based coaching
- How we can help our clients get from a starting point to cementing a transformational experience
- Kim’s recommendations for getting the volume of work done with what she refers to as high impact coaching
- Why trying new things in a content landscape is so important for business growth
- Read about high impact coaching and the things you didn’t know about it
- Website: https://www.frameofmindcoaching.com/
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kimades
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FOMcoaching
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/kimades
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/frameofmindcoaching
- Group Coaching: https://www.frameofmindcoaching.com/group-coaching
- The Journal That Talks Back™: https://www.thejournalthattalksback.com/
- Learn the reason why high impact coaching is important for young leaders
High Impact Coaching: Full Episode Transcript
High impact coaching can help shape you into an industry leader and if you’re interested, listen to this podcast episode with our special guest, Kim Ades.
Welcome to the Sell with Authority podcast. I’m Stephen Woessner, CEO of Predictive ROI. My team and I created this podcast specifically for you. So, if you’re an agency owner, a business coach, or a strategic consultant, and you’re looking to grow a thriving, profitable business that can weather the constant change that seems to be our world’s reality, well, you’re in the right place.
You want proven strategies for attracting a steady stream of well-prepared, right-fit prospects into your sales pipeline. Yup. We’re going to cover that. You want to learn how to step away from the sea of competitors so you stand out and own the ground. You’re standing on. We’re going to cover that too. You want to futureproof your business so you can navigate the following challenges that come your way.
What absolutely will help you there as well. Each episode of this podcast will contain valuable insights, and intangible examples of best practices, not theory. From thought leaders, experts, and owners who have done exactly what you’re working hard to do. So, I want you to think practical and tactical. Never any fluff. Each of our guests has built a position of authority and then they monetize that position by claiming their ground, by growing their audience, by nurturing leads, and by converting sales.
Yes, but all the while doing it by being helpful. So every time someone from their audience turned around there, they were with a useful answer to an important question. So their prospects never, ever, ever felt like a prospect. I also promise you every strategy we discuss, and every tool we recommend will be shared in complete transparency in each episode so you can plant your flag of authority, you can claim the ground that you want to own, and then fill your sales pipeline with a steady stream of right-fit clients.
Read this blog about “5 Things You Didn’t Know About High Impact Coaching”
High Impact Coaching: Kim Ades’ Introduction
Okay, so I am super excited for you to meet our very special guest expert today, Kim Ades. She embodies the essence of High Impact Coaching with her expertise and experience. So if you’re meeting Kim for the first time, she’s the founder of Frame of Mind Coaching and co-founder of the Journal That Talks Back. She’s also an author, a professional speaker, and a mom of five. Her gift in the gift of her team, too, is helping leaders, executives, and business owners just like you and me identify their blind spots and then learn to direct their thinking to achieve extraordinary results.
High impact coaching is at the heart of every conversation I have with my clients. So when Kim and I were discussing the possibility of her joining me for this episode, here’s how I framed it. No pun intended, but here’s how I framed what I thought would be helpful for her to share with you. I let her know that I wanted to focus our time together on her thought leadership content. But more specifically, you’re going to hear me ask him.
I’m going to ask her to peel back the layers around high impact coaching. When she decided to plant her flag of authority and where she chose to plant it. Meaning, how did she decide what ground she wanted to claim or what space she tried to claim as her own? And then once she made that decision, how did she begin to and now today more fully leverage her cornerstone content so she could indeed claim that ground and again, more specifically how she leverages Cornerstone Content like her podcast or when she’s speaking on stage in an event in the list goes on.
Of course, because Kim and her team use that high impact coaching content to continually pound their flag of authority into the ground deeper and deeper over and over again, then at a 10,000-foot, let’s call that maybe a more tactical view. Kim and I will also talk through how they get it all done and how they get it all done consistently with excellence.
So without further ado, my friend, welcome to the Sell with Authority podcast, Kim. Thank you. Wow, what an introduction. Well, I’m very excited about this conversation because you and your team do do it consistently with excellence. High impact coaching obviously didn’t start that way. It doesn’t mean that you guys were doing things poorly. That’s not what I meant. But there’s a starting point for all of us.
High impact coaching has played a pivotal role in shaping my approach to leadership and entrepreneurship. And I think being able to rewind and going back to where you plan to your flag, it was already in your decision-making process around that. And then how you built this really incredible business after that decision is going to be awesome. So before we do that, take us behind the curtain and let’s go beyond the bio.
Sure. Share a little bit more about you, some context about your path and journey, and then we’ll dive in a little bit about me. So I live in Toronto and basically, I have a team of coaches in Canada and the U.S. and we coach leaders, executives, entrepreneurs from all over the world and we could go back to that whole planting that flag or whatever you call it, planting that what do you call it when you place the flag of authority?
You bet. Planting the flag of authority. So we can go back there when honestly, when I first started my coaching business, I did it because I was just super passionate about the idea of helping people. But that’s besides the point. I had an opportunity to work for another coaching company and had a chance to observe how they did it and whatever I observed, I decided I didn’t want to do it that way.
Before I planted any flags, I just had an idea of how coaching needed to be done, like what needed to be in place for super effective, high impact coaching to take place. And that was the beginning point for me. It was trying to figure out how to really, really make an impact as opposed to what market I wanted to pursue or, you know, any of that.
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High Impact Coaching: How Kim Started Venturing into Coaching
It wasn’t even about messaging. It was about process. It was how do I coach someone and have that person experience a deep, transformational journey through high impact coaching? That was the question I needed to answer. And that was the starting point for me. So here’s here’s why. This is a really, really valuable lesson for our audience, because when Drew McLellan and I, my coauthor in the book, saw what was authority when we sat down to try to write that book. One of the chapters that Drew wrote and did a phenomenal job in writing was about niche and going narrow because I think oftentimes when somebody hears the word niche, they think immediately scarcity instead of abundance. And they immediately think, okay, now you’re going to tell me that I have to work with all petrochemical companies who make, you know, X, whatever. And actually, that’s one of four ways or one or four ingredients or one or four levers or filters or whatever metaphor you want to use. Can the market or industry be one of those?
Yes. But what you said, and I think is so brilliant and that’s what I want to tease out here is you talked about making an impact through high impact coaching. You talked about a transformational experience. That’s your superpower, and that’s also another way to niche down everyone is that maybe you’re the best in the world at a particular thing. In this case, this is what we’re going to tease out a little bit further with Kim in Is she?
Yeah. Does she know how to be a coach? Sure. But she didn’t want to just be a coach or any other coach or just work with people. She wanted to make sure that she helped them create this impact that transformed personal experience through high impact coaching, which you’re going to ask her to peel back a little bit more about what she means by that here in just a second.
And that is indeed niche. So, Kim, when you talk about high impact coaching and transformational experience, tell us a little bit more about how you took that deeper in the ideation around that. So I specifically didn’t want to be any other coach. Like one of my drivers was I wanted to be an extraordinary coach. I wanted to be the coach that left a mark that lasted a lifetime.
Like in my mind at the time, I had that picture that image when you touch someone and you leave an imprint. I had the idea that I was leaving an imprint specifically that. And so I looked at how other people were focused on coaching. And at the time, again, coaching has evolved over the years. But at the time it was heavily focused on accountability.
This concept of, “Hey, I’m your coach, we’re going to create a business plan and I’ll hold you accountable and make sure you get all the stuff done so that you reach your goals.” And for me, it didn’t resonate at all. I thought people know how to make plans and they know how to do things, but why aren’t they doing them?
Why aren’t they doing the things on their plan? What’s actually getting in the way? And I realized very quickly, again, remember, this was eight years ago before any of the modern knowledge about motivation and drive came forward. I realized there’s something stopping them from doing all the things that they know they’re supposed to do in order to reach their goals, and that’s where “High Impact Coaching” comes in.
Read this blog about “5 Things You Didn’t Know About High Impact Coaching”
High Impact Coaching: Planting Your Flag of Authority
High impact coaching is about transforming the way individuals think, perceive themselves, and understand their beliefs about themselves, what they believe to be true about themselves, how confident they feel about their past experiences, and how those experiences have impacted them. And I thought to myself, “What if I can get inside people’s minds? What if I could see what they’re thinking?”
You know, people talk to themselves all day, every day. What if I could get a slice of that conversation? If I could get a slice of that conversation and see some of the garbage that’s in their minds and clean it up, and move it out of the way, then I could really prepare people for success. And that was my mission.
And so from the very, very beginning, High Impact Coaching was designed initially just to make me a better coach, I thought, I’m going to get my clients to journal in an online journal. And when they journal, I’ll be able to read what’s going on in their minds. And then I’m going to come to the college super prepared and that’s going to help me.
I had no idea what I was on to. I had no idea the High Impact Coaching that I was, you know, setting sail to. I had no idea. I didn’t know that if someone journals and they journal consistently and they have a coach read it, there’s a a beautiful relationship that takes place. I didn’t know that they were literally starting to write down their story and that when they write down their story, they’re able to step back from it and look at the story and decide if this is the story they want to live.
Like, I just had no idea what I was on to, but it was so powerful and it started to become evident from the beginning. So that’s part of my kind of journey and history. Well, it’s a great journey and history and we’ll get into more specifics around like how you’ve continued to, like, build this position of authority around what you just framed up there.
But that was perfect because of the way you articulated your superpower is awesome. High impact coaching has contributed significantly to your growth since then, uncovering the power of journaling and enhancing your abilities. This is great. There’s one thing that I want to point out here before we move into those pieces. That was eight years ago. This is why I’m emphasizing this was eight years ago.
So you’ve been doing it a long time and you’ve been doing it with excellence for a long time. And yes, getting better at it like anybody would over that period of time. I get that. But the reason why I’m emphasizing the eight years is because most coaches are broke and you have built something over two decades. And yes, it’s gotten better and better and better and better as you’ve done that.
But you’re serving people worldwide. That doesn’t happen by accident. High Impact Coaching has played a crucial role in your success over the past two decades. And so kudos, first of all, two decades doesn’t happen by accident. So yeah, for that. But also, clearly, you have built a successful practice along the way because as you know, it’s pretty rare error that a coach has been doing for 20 plus years because most start, stop, fail and realize, gosh, it’s kind of hard.
Maybe I don’t want to be a coach, Right? Well, let me tell you something and I’ll start with this. I don’t think of myself building a practice. I’m not in the practice of coaching. I’m not practicing coaching. I’m in the business of coaching. Again, I’m not here building a practice. I’m building a coaching business, and we deliver extraordinary coaching. Period. End of story.
There’s no practicing involved. I love that. Okay. All right. So once you decided this is what I’m going to do, you started doing the journaling and so forth, how did that then build into an actual authority position for you that you became known for that type of coaching business?
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High Impact Coaching: Taking The First Step to Achieving Your Goal
Yeah. High Impact Coaching was at the forefront of my mind when I first embarked on this journey. I figured that I would leverage my network and at the time a massive component of my network was the real estate industry because the previous company we used to build simulation-based assessments. And one of those assessments was called the Real Estate Simulator. I just knew a lot of people in the real estate industry.
I even won an award for being one of the most 50 most influential women in the real estate industry. So I was just well-connected in the industry. And so my starting point was to reach out to a friend of mine in Canada here, who was a vice president of one of Canada’s largest real estate firms. And I said to her, I have this idea for coaching.
And High Impact Coaching was fairly common in the real estate industry at the time, but they were doing this accountability-based coaching and said, I have this idea, but it’s radically different from what we normally see in real estate. Here’s my idea, but I need some people to coach. And she said, I have people to coach, which of course I knew.
High Impact Coaching was the key element in transforming my approach and achieving success in the real estate industry.
And I said, “Great, can we run a pilot with High Impact Coaching? I won’t charge a lot of money, right? I won’t charge a lot.” And so I got in and honestly, completely transparent. See here, I was terrified to coach anybody because I thought, what the heck am I going to talk about for a whole hour with people? Like, I just got scared of that.
I coach a group of people with High Impact Coaching because then everyone could talk for 5 minutes and then the hour will pass kind of thing, right? And so she said, I have people and she sent out this mass email to all the people in her real estate company. Again, thousands and thousands. And I ended up starting several groups right off the bat, and I charge them, sorry, $100 for ten weeks of coaching.
Painful. Crazy. Why did I do that? Because I wanted a little bit of skin in the game, but also because I really was green. I didn’t go to coaching school.I didn’t know what I was doing. And I was so scared that they were going to ask me real estate questions that I hired this guy to come and co coach with me for for that period of time.
And I paid him $1,000. So five people getting coached, $100 each, and I’m paying the guy $1,000. So my first coaching experience, I lost $500, but I learned a lot. The first thing I learned was, that I don’t need that guy, right? I don’t need that guy. I’m good by myself. The second thing I started to learn was my approach to coaching was super, super effective and the journaling component was just so powerful to the point where I’m still in touch with the people that were in my first ever coaching group 18 years ago, 18 years ago.
Read this blog about “5 Things You Didn’t Know About High Impact Coaching”
High Impact Coaching: Finding The Right People to Coach
So totally bananas, right? So what does that say? That says it leaves a mark. It had the impact that I desired, but as as I continued along my way, I used webinars at the time, webinars were really cool. I had a database. I would send out an email to my database or two or three of them saying, there’s going to be a webinar sign-up, and I would enroll people and slowly I increased my rates and went from 102 to 50 to 500 to 750 and so on. High Impact Coaching was instrumental in this journey, guiding me to make these strategic decisions and achieve significant growth.
And over the years of course, of clients, we’ve seen the transformative power of “High Impact Coaching.” And what I was really trying to do was collect evidence that our coaching was impactful and that became obvious. But I also started to notice that in the real estate industry, budgets are low, they’re tight, just like coaches have no money, real estate agents have no money. And I thought, you know what?
Maybe it’s a better idea for us to migrate to a different market, one that resonates with me as a person more. I was never a real estate agent. I was never a real estate broker. It’s not really like, you know, something that resonates for me. What if we look at leaders, entrepreneurs, executives, and I call them the highly driven population, people who have a few things in common, and that’s where, as you say, we planted our flag because I could resonate with them, I could relate to them.
I knew the struggles I experienced that myself ongoing, quite frankly. So it felt more relatable. And also the ability for them to understand the value of high impact coaching and be prepared to pay that the coaching rates was more appropriate or whatever the word is. Okay, there’s there’s some really great stuff to go back in and slice apart one.
I love how you just said the highly driven population. And the reason that I love that is because there are so many ways, because of your past experience and because of the number of people that you have helped create an impact for, like, you know right away how to create an emotional connection with that group of people, right?
You not only speak their language, but you speak their dialect exactly. You have the right accent. And when they hear you speak, they’re like, she totally gets me. It’s way beyond the characteristics of an ideal client avatar, right? The prospect of that kind of stuff is at a really emotional level because like you’ve heard all of the stories, right?
I’ve heard all the stories and you know, to be, very specific, I’ll even define it. The people that we coach have typically four things in common. Okay. Number one, they’re people who have large goals that they want to achieve. And while they have achieved probably already a good number of goals, they still have a wide range of goals.
They want to achieve and they feel like they haven’t even scratched the surface. Number two, there are people who want to make a difference in the world. There are people who want to leave their mark and I can relate to that personally, but it’s very important to them that they make a contribution somehow, that they are that their time on earth had meaning.
Number three, there are people who like the good things in life. They like to have a lot of money. They want to live in a nice house. They want to drive a nice car, they want to travel. They want to have an amazing relationship. They want great friendships. They want to be healthy. They want to be fit. They want to have great abs.
Okay. And then number four is that they are people who are frustrated because they don’t feel like they’re living up to their potential. They feel like they look in the mirror and they say, “Why is it so hard? What’s taking me so long? Yes, I’ve done all this, but still there’s a lot more in me and they don’t understand why that traction is so filled with friction.”
So that’s the client. And usually, when I talk to people who fit that category, they say, “Yes, that is me.” Okay, So I want to go back to niche for a second and connect these two dots. So I heard you say large goals, still lots to do toward those large goals. Second, want to make a difference in my contribution.
Third, they like the good things in life. Four, frustrated by not living up to their potential, or at least their interpretation of not living up to their potential. I’m sure everyone on the outside looking in says, my gosh, your life is amazing and perfect. But inside, there are still a lot of things that I want to do, and then that creates that frustration.
So that’s point number two, though, or the goal. The fourth thing is a common second thing: I want to make a difference in contribution. I go back to what you said a few minutes ago about wanting to make an impact, leave an imprint, and create a transformational experience when you’re starting this business.
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High Impact Coaching: Assessing The Change in The Person
So no doubt that that when you build a coaching model and frame of mind around that goal and then these four things that they have in common and they should be taught, right? Exactly. And that’s why I wanted everyone to hear that, because that’s when you’re speaking with right set prospects, when they say she’s talking to me and they feel like you are talking exactly to them, right?
Yeah, because I get it right. I get it inside my core, right? Yeah. Versus when sometimes we go to a workshop or a seminar and somebody presents a model and you’re like, I’m sure there’s a golden nugget in there somewhere that I could twist and turn and whatever to apply to my business. But I’m not exactly sure.
But I can see how not to make this time a waste. That’s not what you’re creating for other people, right? Exactly. That is awesome. So let’s so several of the things that to go back and slice apart you mentioned collecting the evidence that our coaching, your coaching was impactful. Tell us a little bit more about how you did that because knowing you as I do, I know that you did that in a non-self-aggrandizing way that is about that person’s impact, not about like thumping your chest of, like, awesome.
So tell us how you did that. So there are tangible and intense audible ways that we actually look for change in a person. Okay. Number one is when they come in, we give them like a bit of an assessment and say it’s a self-assessment. Like how do you feel about the state of your life right now?
We always start off with a ten-week coaching period and we do that on purpose because the clients we work with want to move quickly and they want to see change in a short period of time. So ten weeks after, most of our clients stay, but those ten weeks are the most intense. After the ten week period, we give them that same assessment.
No change in the assessment, and we see their numbers change. So when they say, “Hey, you know, like my level of stress is at a ten on week one, but now my level of stress is at a four.” We see a change. So we have a tangible indication of change. But the other thing we do is because people are journaling, what we see is a change in the way they feel over time and the way that they experience or encounter the same stimuli, you could say.
So let’s say in week one, Joe is really a thorn in your side. Joe bugs you. Joe gets under your skin. But on week ten, Joe doesn’t bother you at all. Joe’s not even a subject we start talking about Joe because Joe’s not even on your radar. So what we do is we look for the encounters that bother you or irritate you or that you’re struggling with.
And we look at those same encounters ten weeks later and we see a change in how you feel and how you react to the same inputs, the same stimulus. So we have all kinds of indicators and the last thing we look for is when the people in your world, the people are coaching in their world, what when the wife or the brother or the daughter or the son say, “Hey, dad or Hey mom, you seem so much happier now.”
Or they walk down the street and they say, “Wow, you look so good. Did you get a haircut?” You look different because they walk taller, brighter, with more pep. And so we’re looking for those four indicators. Here are some of the helpful nuggets I took out of that and tell me if you think I’m missing anything. One, you have a tool.
You mentioned the self-assessment. More importantly, you have a process that each person who’s going through the ten week, the initial ten weeks, same process, it’s not like, we did it for Joe, but we forgot to do it for Sarah. Let’s make sure we do it for Beth is part of the process as part of the business structure.
Read this blog about “5 Things You Didn’t Know About High Impact Coaching”
High Impact Coaching: Showing Evidence of Your Coaching Work
So, it’s not only a tool, but there’s a process. Second, you’re collecting both qualitative and quantitative data, and then it sounds like you’re having a conversation with your client around that data. So there’s some acknowledgment of the impact that has been made, right? Well, yes. And there’s a process. There’s a concept. So, yes, I invent all kinds of concepts. And one of the things that’s important is that when I’m coaching someone, I see their change.
I see how they’re reacting to the same thing differently. I see how they are feeling differently. I see how they are stepping up in some cases where before perhaps they didn’t step up. I see how you, you know, all of the changes. I’m the witness. So at some point, I say, “Hey, here’s what I’m witnessing. Am I seen correctly?”
And what that does is it cements. We use the term cementing. It cements their change, their transformation. I love how you just frame that up and here’s here’s why I say that. When you said I’m witnessing and then you went on to say, am I seeing that correctly? That’s a great, great question. And that’s why I want to make a fine point about it.
It is a great question because then it’s forcing your client in a nonforceful way to say, “Yup, that’s exactly right.” or “Yes, that’s exactly right.” And something else or no, I’m not actually filling in this way, which then could uncover something else. I love this. So thank you for walking us through the process or excuse me, walking us through the tool and the process for collecting evidence.
Then there’s another piece to this. How do you then share the evidence that this model is working with prospective clients without it feeling self-aggrandizing? It’s all about Kim, but instead, it’s about the impact. So, one of the things we do is call a client spotlight. Okay? And Kate, one of our team members are very valued team member, and she reaches out and does a job interview or not a job interview or an interview with them to review their experience, and we capture it.
And then she does a little write-up that they approve of, and we’ve put it out to our database. So we do that. We capture some clips. Sometimes, we use those clips as testimonials. But also, when I’m talking to someone on the phone, a prospect, I will say, “Well, here is another story, here’s another experience. Here’s how this coach helped this person who was in a very similar situation as you.”
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High Impact Coaching: Letting Your Clients Speak for You
So we have lots and lots and lots of those stories. So another highlight there about the process person. In this case, Kate does an interview that doesn’t involve you. Kate does an interview, the client approves that interview, and content is then sliced and diced for your audience so that somebody can see themselves in Joe or Sara’s story right.
Is there further evidence in their mind that these four things that they might share in common with Joe or Sarah, it’s like, my gosh, Kim and her team totally get me right? And none of that feels yucky, ego driven, self-aggrandizing at all, because it’s all about the impact, right? And also, I mean, to be fair, at this point, I don’t coach as many people as I used to.
I just like a handful of very past clients that I’ve been working with for years. And so when I am introducing a prospect to a potential coach, I feel very, very comfortable talking about the coach’s skill set, the coach’s personality, the coach’s impact on other clients. So I can build them up. It’s not it’s no effort at all because it’s all true.
I’m not talking about myself. I’m talking about how amazing my coaches are. I’m happy to do that all day, every day, in my sleep, any time. Well, let’s go behind the curtain here in a super transparent way for our audience. When you edify your teammates, or in this case, your fellow coaches, that’s great for your audience to hear.
Edification is important. It’s important for them professionally, but also it’s important for your audience to hear that. And candidly, if you’re doing it all, that’s not a scalable business. You’ve just created a very stressful job, and that’s what you’ve done, correct? That’s absolutely right. My goal is always scaling, but also this is very important. My coaches represent me, so it’s not like I’m not just edifying them just for the sake of sounding good; they have to deliver.
Otherwise, they’re not representing me well. So their delivery is top notch and I’m happy to put my brand with theirs right. Look, I’m happy to have that because it’s true, and it’s strong. It’s not just words 100%. It comes through with the execution. Let’s go back to the content piece or because you started us down that path, and then it took us in a different direction.
Read this blog about “5 Things You Didn’t Know About High Impact Coaching”
High Impact Coaching: Analyze Which Form of Content Your Clients Like Best
Let’s go back to the webinar piece that you mentioned. Like early on in the business, you started doing webinars. So, let’s think of like, if we were to look at a kind of a 10,000 foot view of sort of the content landscape within your business. And you mentioned webinars and I know there’s other things, so let’s go kind of high level first, then we’ll get into how you get all that stuff done because I know a lot.
So how are you stepping in front of your audience teaching and sharing? Like what are some of the content pieces that you are using? So we have a podcast, we have a newsletter every day. But kind of like on Mondays, we have a promo piece. On Tuesdays, we have a podcast. On Wednesdays, we have a blog. On Thursdays, we have another promo.
We have like it just changes every day. Yeah. And we’re learning about what and when to send. We’re learning about what people open more than other things. We’re learning about, you know, how to create a newsletter where it’s not just one piece of content in that newsletter where there are multiple pieces of content so that we’re a bit repetitive because repetition is useful. Because one day, one person will open up something and the next day, you know, so we want to have a bit of a cycle.
What goes up on top is new, but the stuff on the bottom isn’t new. So we’re learning all of these things as we go. I do a lot of speaking and I’m on podcasts, obviously, and it seems that when I speak, it has the greatest impact. Yeah, no, no, no surprise there because your audience can hear the emotionality in your voice and how much this means to you.
Yeah. And so I try to speak as much as possible and, again, with total candor here. Before the pandemic, I was on the road all the time and I was burnt out. And so when the pandemic hit and all of these in-person presentations were canceled, I was like, wow, I needed a pandemic to make that happen. Insanity, right?
But I started doing virtual presentations, and they went very well. I don’t think the impact was as strong as they are as the impact is when I’m in person, I am back in person. And my goal in life is to I always want to speak. I just don’t want to speak every week. Yeah, right. And so I want to be able to manage a healthy lifestyle for myself where I’m not just on the road and constantly exhausted.
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High Impact Coaching: Trying Things That Work Best for You
And so, you know, part of the question that I’m always asking is how do I grow? How do we do lead gen where it’s not 100% dependent on me? So we’re trying new things all the time. We’re trying things like reaching out to people on LinkedIn. We’re trying Google ads, we’re trying maybe I could find another speaker that hasn’t worked out.
I’ve tried different strategies that have not worked out. You know, we’re just trying things. We did work with you guys. One of the most powerful things that I learned from the Predictive team is to constantly, constantly stay in touch with past clients. And I knew that, but I wasn’t so diligent about it.
Now, I’m diligent about it. And it makes a huge difference, man. So as I look at my notes here, I see podcast, I see newsletter, I see blog, I see speaking both in-person and virtually during the pandemic, suggesting on other podcasts. And to put again, if I point out that that’s a significant amount of content, that’s a significant amount of thought leadership and sharing your smarts and being generous and being consistent.
And December 31st, I decided to start posting every single day on TikTok. Of course you do. Now, admittedly, I’m not posting anything, so brilliant. I’m just posting. Okay, but I’m playing and I’m learning and boy, what an experience. Both positive and negative. I’m learning though. Well, so so let’s let’s let’s go down the path of of maybe two things there, the learning piece and then and then we need to get to the how to get it all done but the learning piece because here again this is something that I want to shine a light on because you said trying new things and then you listed several, now TikTok being one of them.
You mentioned LinkedIn, Google ads and that kind of stuff. But the point is that your mindset is around. We’re going to try new things. There’s no silver bullet. We’re going to just try stuff. We’re going to have our core things we’re going to do consistent with excellence. But we’re never going to stop trying and learning new things.
Would that be fair? That’s 100% correct. And so where do you think that comes from? I think I mean, I’m an entrepreneur. I have that spirit. I always try new things. Like even if it’s a new food, I want to try it. I want to try everything in life. It’s that spirit of, you know, I’m that character who wants to try everything and do everything and experience everything and that applies to the business also.
But also, I think, you know, some people are working with this particular strategy and they’re being they’re really effective. You know, why can’t we get it? What can we learn from that? What can we pick up? Like, why can’t we do that too? Amazing. Yeah. So I know we need to come in for a landing here that our time is running short.
Read this blog about “5 Things You Didn’t Know About High Impact Coaching”
High Impact Coaching: Trust Factor Is Important When Working with a Team
But before we go, I would like to get your thoughts around or your advice is behind the curtain. How do you and your team get all of this done? I know you didn’t start the business with seven different things. I get that in a grow over time. You stack those together. I understand that.
But how are you getting that volume of work done today? I think that will be insightful for our audience. So I do have a team and I don’t do everything. Only I try to stay in my lane. And so what does that mean when there’s a podcast? I don’t organize the background. I just I’m told when to be there and I’d be there. I trust myself to show up and do what’s necessary because I have eight years of experience.
So I don’t worry, I don’t fear, I don’t have stress over that. I just show up. And so I do have an amazing team behind the scenes who do all the and really only leverage my expertise. And I think that’s very important when you’re doing high impact coaching. You need to have people you can trust. You need to have people who understand your language and understand where you’re coming from.
Like Kate, for example, I’ll just send her something. I’ll say, I need this. And it’s so brief, it’s so rudimentary, but she knows exactly what I need. And that fluidity with other people on your team is incredible. And so you need that. And you need to, again, try things with them. They need to know that you’re asking them to try things.
And if they fail, that’s okay. We’re going to try something next so that their job isn’t online when something we try doesn’t work out and so on. So there’s a trust factor there that’s very, very important. And not every piece of content has to be our opus. Everyone knows that doesn’t mean that I think you should hit send if it’s not helpful, that it’s not up to your standards, that it’s, you know, vanilla content, pablum, content.
That’s not what I’m saying. But what I am saying is that you know, two or three takes on a video, and if it’s helpful, publisher, if it’s like, if it passes the helpful test, as Drew likes to say, when he and I are teaching together if it passes the publish or excuse me if it passes the helpful test, just get it done, and then the great lesson that it doesn’t have to be you all the time.
Build a team. And that’s not it. It doesn’t have to be super expensive to do right. And in fact I got this idea from Erik, your Erik. So I teach a course once a month. Add to our team of coaches, right? So we have coaches. We make sure that they’re up to speed and up to snuff. And so once a month I teach this course, and we record it, and there’s so much gold in that, so much gold.
And so I decided to take that recording and send it to a writer to actually pull out a whole bunch of blog material from that. So, I got that from you guys. So thank you. Yeah, okay. But so thank you. But the great point that everyone who’s listening to you right now is creating content in that sort of way, right?
Whether they are on stage someplace or delivering a thing or maybe like you said, it’s in a structured every month we’re doing this. Those are great content opportunities. You just gave them the recipe and the blueprint to do it. We should all be doing that, right? It’s amazing. Yeah. Okay. I know we need to come in for a landing here.
Register for our next open-mic Q&A for more insights on high impact coaching
High Impact Coaching: The Journal That Talks Back for Your People
So before we go, before we close out and say goodbye, please, our audience know the best way to connect with you. So best way to find me is go to frameofmindcoaching.com. And if you wouldn’t mind, I want to share one quick thing. Yeah. Over the past couple of years we’ve discovered that a lot of our clients are struggling with their young adult kids and with their young professional employees.
We’re hearing things like our young people are having anxiety and depression, they’re overwhelmed, they are stressed out of their minds. My daughter wants to quit her job and take a gap year, and my son’s on the couch playing video games all day long there. And the adults in the picture or the older ones in the picture are kind of at a loss about what to do with their young adults.
And so we actually created a coaching program specifically for young people called the Journal That Talks Back that leverages our journaling technology and our journaling strategy. When a young person gets connected to a coach, they can journal as much as they want with the coach, and the coach will read and respond to their journal so they can journal once, once a week, once a day, six times a day.
It doesn’t really matter. Their coach will respond within 24 hours. So we just launched that. It’s fairly new. We want to spread the news. We want people to come and take a look. So that’s thejournalthattalksback.com. Awesome. I’ll be sure to include the link in the show notes.
But what was the URL again, one more time? thejournalthattalksback.com. Okay, perfect. Thank you very much for that. Okay everyone, no matter how many notes you took or how often you go back and relisten to Kim’s words of wisdom, which I sure hope that you do. The key is you have to take her framing that she so generously gave you this blueprint, this recipe, whatever you want to call it, take it and apply it.
Don’t take it. And then wonder. And then don’t take and then separate. Don’t take it, and then don’t do anything with it. And take action. Take it, apply it, and put it into your business right away, and you will accelerate your results. And Kim, thank you again for spending time with me being our mentor and guide, and helping us move our business onward to that next level.
Thank you for your generosity yet again, my friend. Thank you. It’s been an honor and a pleasure.
Read this blog about “5 Things You Didn’t Know About High Impact Coaching”
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The Sell with Authority Podcast is for agency owners, business coaches, and strategic consultants who are looking to grow a thriving, profitable business that can weather the constant change that seems to be our world’s reality.