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Check Out Additional Resources:

The "WHO" Framework
Replace your dry sales pipeline with a steady stream of well-prepared right-fit clients who want to work with you — and — are eager to pay a premium price to do so.
- Helps you find and identify your right-fit client criteria
- Shows you how to emotionally and logically connect with right-fit clients
- Helps you become the known expert in a niche by solving the right problems, telling the right stories, and fishing in the right ponds

The "WHAT" Framework
Learn how to add more profit by getting paid for your discovery work and delivering something new and strategic that your clients will love — and — so will your bottom line.
- Meet the 6 criteria for designing your HERO Offer
- Map out the “5 Outcomes” your offer must deliver to clients
- Identify the 3 “Measures for Success” that will give you the ability to charge a premium price — as a result — drive profits