Not Ready for The Real World
Episode 992: Not Ready for The Real World, with Russ Sorrells
Not ready for the real world—Traditional education often leaves individuals unprepared for life’s challenges, leaving them not ready for the real world
Are you not ready for the real world? Today’s guest, Russ Sorrells, will discuss this interesting topic. After this episode, you will be more equipped with the right lessons and can face the challenges that await you in the real world.
It all started because I wanted to be a better dad. I was driving home with my kids one day and thought, “Why doesn’t the school system teach kids how to live a happy life?” It dawned on me, “because that’s my job as a parent.” Duh.
From then on, I started teaching daily 5 minute lessons to my kids based on everything I’ve learned over my 5 years as a high-performance coach. At first it was hard to add it to our manic morning routine, but now my kids harass me if they don’t get their daily Lunchbox Lesson.
What you’ll learn in this episode is about why new generations are not ready for the real world:
- How Russ has expanded his brick-and-mortar business empire since his previous appearance on Onward Nation back on episode 21
- How Russ created Lunchbox Lessons when he saw there are many life lessons his kids weren’t being taught, and realized school doesn’t prepare us for life in some key ways
- How Russ used his Lunchbox Lessons to teach his kids about things like first puppy love and other life experiences
- How Russ explained that the new generations are not ready for the real world.
- How each month’s Lunchbox Lessons deal with overarching themes and shares lessons in bite-sized pieces each day
- How Russ structures his Lunchbox Lessons, and how that same learning structure can be applied to business as well
- How Russ deals with feelings of Imposter Syndrome when sharing these important lessons with his kids, and why his goal is to give them an advantage in life
- What vision Russ has for his Lunchbox Lessons business, and how he hopes to create a cradle-to-grave personal development program discussing key life inflection points
- Why too few people engage in personal development, and why having the right mentors and role models can help you achieve your maximum potential in life
- Why Russ has focused on a particular niche by creating content exclusively for the families that would make use of and benefit from it
- Russ shares the story of a clinician friend who excels at connecting with doctors and patients because he leaves his ego at the door
- Russ’s previous visit to Onward Nation in episode 21:
- Learn more about how to determine if you’re ready or not ready for the real world by visiting Russ’s website
- Elevate your knowledge whether you are ready or not ready for the real world by tuning in to this episode with Russ: How to master emotional intelligence
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Additional Resources:
- Free Executive Leadership Summary report from Predictive ROI:
- Sell With Authority by Drew McLellan and Stephen Woessner:
- Predictive ROI Free Resource Library:
- Stephen Woessner’s LinkedIn:
Not Ready for The Real World: Full Episode Transcript
Get ready to find your recipe for success from America’s top business owners here at Onward Nation with your host, Stephen Woessner.
Good morning. I’m Stephen Woessner, CEO of Predictive ROI. And your host for Onward Nation. In 2015, Russ Sorrells was one of our early guests here at Onward. He was gracious enough to share his insights and wisdom, and I was super grateful for that. Cause we were a brand new show with a brand new audience in his Episode, along with the others we aired in the first couple of months of Onward Nation’s existence. Well, candidly here again, it helped Predictive ROI successfully navigate a major, major pivot in our company’s history.
So, over the years, we’ve come to know a thing or two about what it takes to pivot in how to get it done. Okay. So, back to Russ, several months ago, Russ and I were catching up on his businesses, which for years have revolved around capital equipment sales. To date, he and his team have sold over $250 million in equipment, which is, of course, an oppressive number to be sure. So, as he and I were catching up, he told me about his latest venture, and I could see his eyes light up. When we started talking about it, Russ’s family meant the world to him, and he treasures his role and responsibility of being a father.
So, he walked me through the process of what he had created and built from the ground up. And he created this in order to develop even deeper connections with its kids. Now, I’m not going to give away the story. We’ll wait, and Russ can share in and walk you through all of it. However, I do want to give you more of why I’m sharing this with you and tie it back to pivot for us. One could argue that this new business and I say air-quotes new business as a pivot, maybe, but how was the business born, and where did the idea come from?
He tested the validity of the idea of how he nurtured it and how it has evolved into a bonafide business. Well, that is a strategic and tactical framework that we can all take and apply. I’m sharing this with you because we’ve all had these pivot ideas, especially in the last 12 months. So my guess is you will find this Encore with Russ to be super helpful in taking that idea of yours off the shelf, deciding to double down, and then putting it into practice.
Not Ready for The Real World: Russ Sorrells’ Introduction
Okay. So, without further ado, welcome back to Onward Nation, Russ. Good morning Onward Nation, Stephen I’m so excited to see you. I’m so glad to be here again.
I am excited to have you back. My friend And Holy bananas. I mean, you were early on in Onward Nation, and you were so grateful. Excuse me. So grateful. I was so grateful that you were so generous with your time. I was early on in the process, and we didn’t have a lot of guests. We didn’t have a lot of traction in all of that. And you were kind enough to say yes, to be one of our first several dozen guests here at Onward, which really meant a lot to me. And now we’ve had this span of talking about four-plus years, where there is a lot that has been happening with your multiple businesses and your path in the journey.
So I am super, super excited for us to be able to have this Encore. So before we dive in with what’s probably going to feel like a litany and a barrage of questions. I’m going to send it your way; actually, it will bring us up to speed. Tell us what’s new over the last several years with the businesses in your path or journey, and then we’ll dive in. Sure. Well, congratulations on all of your sessions. I think this is the number nine, 85 So. That is amazing. That’s incredible content that you’ve shared with all of us entrepreneurs out there. So, as far as what I’ve been up to when we talked the last time, I had essentially one and a half businesses; I had my business called CapEx sales. We sell automation and industrial equipment, and we’ve sold over $250 million with the equipment in that business.
Over the last 14 years, I’ve also purchased another business. It’s called the Prosthetic and Orthotic Institute. I’ve been invested in that business. So, I have a partner in that business. We do prosthetics and orthotics. So that’s another business that I’ve added to the portfolio. And then we got the carwash in an oil change facility, which we’ve had a plan for for the last five years as well. So, I’ve been doing a lot of brick-and-mortar businesses and a lot going on in my world. Ah, yeah. And just like lots of business owners, right? Multiple hats running Mach three with your hair on fire, a lot of different things that you are doing.
Not Ready for The Real World: From Idea to Business with Russ
And so, let me give that number back to you with CapEx. I think I heard you say you just say $250 million in sales.
How do you determine if you’re ready or not ready for the real world? Yes, we are. We are fortunate to have you have been involved in selling over $250 million With equipment since we started, Holy Bananas is for us that it was awesome. Okay. And Onward Nation one of the reasons why, and there are several reasons why I was so excited for Russ to come back to Onward Nation is because he’s been working on it, and then it was probably not right for me to call it a passion project because it is quickly turning into a business. And I think the story about how that was uncovered and how he nurtured it and how that turned into a beta test and is now gaining some momentum around it and how he’s turning that into a separate business.
We’ve all had these ideas Before, but many of us haven’t done anything with them. And so, as we think about pivots or new ideas of missing the pandemic, what can we be doing? And new opportunities and silver linings that are resolved regarding what is going on right now. I wanted you to hear this conversation because it may potentially trigger several ideas that you’ve been having over the years, and this might be the right time for you to do something with him. So I think there is going to be not only some great golden nugget takeaways, but perhaps some inspiration too. So Russ takes us into the initial idea behind, like what the seed was like, how it started as a Colonel or a seat or whatever metaphor you want to use for Lunchbox Lessons.
Not Ready for The Real World: A Parent’s Reflection on Education and Love
How do you avoid being not ready for the real world? Any tips? Sure. So first, I’ll say if I need one more thing to do right now. Still, this is back in 2018, and it is actually a yeah, January 1st, 2019, we are driving home from New York after spending the week with my family up in New York, with my wife’s family up in New York, we’re coming home, and I always do a planning session I’ve for the last 20 plus years, I’ve taken two days. I go to the library, I debrief, and I think about how I can be a better father. How could I be a better son? How could I be a better parent, a better husband, a better business owner, or a better friend?
And so that’s some of the focus that I take every year and have done for many years when I’m driving home. And I’m thinking about my session, and I’m thinking about as a parent, the School does, and this is exactly the narrative that was going on in my head: the school doesn’t do a good job of teaching our children about, about courage and about, about love or about persistence, or about emotional intelligence, the things that, that they really need the fundamentals of life, that if they understand we’ll help them be able to assimilate to different situations. In noticing, I see things specifically on the topic of love.
Have you been not ready for the real world? My girls were about 12 years old. So I knew that it was going to start at some point in time that puppy love was going to start coming in, and I’d be, how can I communicate with them? And why does it in the school talk to them about this? And then it hit me. I know it’s not; it’s not up to the school. It’s up to me as a parent to do this, which is my responsibility. So now I kind of slapped myself around a little bit. And then I thought, how can I do this? What can be an engaging way to help my kids learn about love and fear and all of these topics that are really important for them to understand deeply so that they can use them as they get older? So my first idea was that we were going to get a book.
Not Ready for The Real World: Lunchbox Lessons with Dad
I got a book on love, and then we’re going to read the book together. And then we were going to talk about the book together. And so I got all excited. I bought the book and sat down. I said, okay, kids, this is what we’re going to do. And it went over like a balloon. They were like, Oh, we’re going to like the family book club idea.
Yeah. It was a complete and utter revolt. Right. So, like, okay. I have to go back to the drawing board on this idea. And so our mutual friend, Darren Hardy, has his Darren daily. And so I was thinking, what if I did a daily message for the kids on the topic that I wanted to focus on for that month? And then we talked about that messaging. And so what I started doing as I would go, and I’d find a quote on the topic, and then I would type up the quote and then type up two or three sentences about the quote. I would print three of them out because I have three daughters, two 14 years old in an 11-year-old.
And I would take those and go. As they were preparing their breakfast and lunches for the day, we would do our Lunchbox. And so I started calling it Lunchbox Lessons. And so we would do this every day. We’re up to 250 something at this point. But so, we go over the quote, and then I talk to them about why it is important. Some of the messages are that I wanted them to understand what puppy love was before they experienced it, for example, because when they’re in it, it’s impossible to have a rational conversation with them.
Not Ready for The Real World: Family Wisdom
Do you tell someone they’re not ready for the real world? But if I tell them before they experience it, Hey, that’s not really love. That is a chemical reaction that your body is having. And it’s triggering you to want to talk to this boy and text him and be with him and be around him. But if that’s really not love, that is a chemical reaction. Love is what’s left three months later. If there is any love after that, all is said and done. And so we, I wanted to have that message, had that conversation with them before they actually experienced it. So that was one of the main reasons I wanted to do Lunchbox Lessons, but it kinda caught on it over the course of time. What would it what would happen? Of course, in the beginning, there’s all kinds of enthusiasm.
You know, they are excited about it. They love it. Dad gets out of here with the Lunchbox, the Lesson, and if I was running behind or whatever, and so we have to do this, and I would ask them to read it every day at lunch. And so this went on for several, probably three weeks or so when they came back in, and they were like, yeah, you are the only person that’s doing these lessons. It was like no other parents were doing that. And it was like, well, is it, is that good or bad? Like, it was pretty cool. And so they actually started there. The kids sitting at their table would ask them, Hey, Margo, what’s today’s Lunchbox Lesson? And so Margo would read the quote on whatever the topic was.
Let’s say it was fear. So, we were thinking about fear as an example. I want them to understand what rational fear is and what is irrational to make certain that they understand that fear is fine but understand the type of fear that you’re having. Right? So that was kind of the general concept that I wanted to have on, on any of these topics. I want to give them an overview and then help them dive into the details as far as why the specifics are important, but anyway, they started giving them to their kids at the lunch table and then sharing them around. And now, it’s actually progressed into actual physical cards that we send out to other parents who want to utilize this tool.
That’s a very simple tool. It takes three to five minutes every day, and the kids love it.
Not Ready for The Real World: A Blueprint for Thought Leadership
Well, that’s okay. Before we take that even deeper, ’cause, there’s some really cool stuff here to take deeper. Let me make sure that I got a couple of the things correct in my notes. So correct me if I have this wrong, but I think I heard you say that you have mapped out the topics for the month. So November might be this overarching topic and then all of the Lunchbox Lessons for November feed up into whatever the overarching topic is for Nevada.
And that’s exactly the right January of 2021. I’ve already got it. It’s well-being. So we’re going to talk about the fundamentals of wellbeing.
Okay. That’s awesome. So, and here’s why, here’s why I’m calling this out. Onward Nation, is what Russ has really done smartly. So, let’s think about this from a company content marketing strategy or a thought leadership strategy, right? You’ve created a monthly editorial calendar. You’ve created a monthly topic that will guide the lessons for the entire month. So you don’t have to aimlessly wander through the wilderness and wonder, what am I going to talk about today? Because you have the overarching strategy for the entire month, and then you break down those lessons really smart in every single business owner who is listening to you right now. Russ should be doing that in their business because it guides the content and they’re not scratching their head thinking, gosh, what should I record or write about or whatever today? You’ve already done it.
And that’s a great blueprint for everyone to follow.
Not Ready for The Real World: Crafting a Monthly Blueprint
Something that has been helpful for me. And it might be helpful, and I felt awful for Onward Nation members when you think of the topics. So, when I think of well-being, I write a paragraph or two on the topic because I want to make sure that I’ve got it cemented in my mind. What are some of the key aspects of well-being? So we know that engagement is a key aspect of well-being. For example, we know our meaning, so the meaning is a fundamental aspect of that. Achievement is fundamental to our well-being as well.
So relationships are totally fundamental. We were just talking about how important relationships are in our lives. So, as I think about well-being, I’ll map that out. I’ll write it out, just not more than 15 or 20 minutes have thought about that, and then make sure that the quotes that I find, cause, are quotes that someone else has put out there. So I find those quotes that align with the messaging and lessons that I want to share and make sure that we get into the narrative 15 to 20 minutes, you’re putting into wellbeing for a while.
The sample will be the January 2021 topic. So, you’re taking that kind of brainstorming session, if you will, using that to create the theme for the month essentially, and then you slice and dice those ideas from across the subsequent days of the month. Am I tracking with you? That’s right. Yeah, no, that’s all right. Brilliant. A super smart, great way for Cate to create, excuse me, a great way to create an editorial calendar spending that mastermind or a brainstorming time, not mastermind a brainstorming time at the high level and then slicing and dicing that across the rest of the month. So, let me ask you this since you’ve been doing this now since 250, but all the way back to early 2019, like, is this documented to the point, like if you wanted to go back to March of 2019 and look at what all of the Lunchbox Lessons were for that month.
Not Ready for The Real World: Documenting and Sharing Lunchbox Lessons
Or are they all organized, could you do that so well? So what happened was I was about two months into this, and I said, gosh, this could be a tool that other parents can use because I had other parents reaching out to me. I was getting contributions from my neighbors, saying, Hey, you know what lesson? What topic would you like to know more about? I was just asking them. And so we were, or I was, creating the content based on some of the feedback that I was getting. And so, yeah, I started to be vigilant in ensuring they were all documented. I ran them all through Grammarly to make sure that the grammar is correct so that they can go directly from Grammarly onto the cards now. Okay. Wow. Hey, Onward Nation I wanted to take a quick break from the Episode to share a practical and tactical resource with you.
When we first released our book profitable podcasting, it became a number one new release on Amazon in Lesson 18 hours. Well, that was nearly three years ago, and we’re still getting great feedback on Hill. Helpful. The book has been to business owners just like you, as they launched a podcast to build their business. When I think of a strategy that you could be applying right now during these challenging times, having your own show, which would be a conduit that you could use to teach and share your insights with your community, launch a podcast, or grow your existing show really should be at the top of your list.
I want to help you get started by giving you access to a free chapter of my book. Just go to, and you’ll get the chapter where I show you how to confront and overcome your three biggest obstacles to success. S Then, we will send it right to your inbox.
Okay. So, if you want me to give this back to you as a litmus test, let’s say that you are to have a video series.
Not Ready for The Real World: Repurposing Lunchbox Lessons for Thought Leadership
It is a podcast, or you are going to write a blog or whatever. You can go back to some of the early Lunchbox Lessons, and you can take that content, and you can slice and dice and repurpose it and turn that into your thought leadership, like great content to really help you now grow an audience around this business because you’ve archived all of that. You have all of that institutional knowledge. Is that on my track? It is the mission. Yes. And that’s what we’re starting to launch right now: the, and we’ve got you have them. We’re trying to get all directed to there and use that content in a way that will contribute to others.
How do you avoid being not ready for the real world? Right? First and foremost, it’s got to deliver value. If it doesn’t deliver value, that isn’t worth anything So. So we wanna deliver that value and a way that helps people think differently about how they can parent in how they can take a different approach to teaching topics like courage and fear and love and things that we don’t normally talk about. It is like that. I wouldn’t sit down and have a 30-minute conversation with my children about fear, but if I can spend three to five minutes every day just dropping value bombs on them and allowing them to mass a rate in what we’ve talked about. It was really interesting that my now 14-year-olds have started to do more writing in their literature classes this past year.
How do you determine if you’re ready or not ready for the real world? So much of what we have talked about in Lunchbox Lessons ends up in their writing. It’s it blows my mind cause they want me to read everything because I love to write, and they want me to edit and help them with their articles or projects they are writing. And so, just reading through them, I’m amazed at how much of our three to five-minute dialog each morning ends up in their schoolwork. It’s better to make your hearing. You say that I’m not at all surprised by that, and here’s why I say you take mentorship really seriously.
Not Ready for The Real World: Lessons for Better Parenting and Future Success
You take being a great dad and a great parent really seriously. Part of your January a rinse and repeat is all about how I can be better. And then you filled in the different roles. You’re all about how I can be better. Lunchbox Lessons takes that point of view that you hold very dearly and transfers it over to your kids. So you’re instilling in them that lesson of how you can be better in your teaching them every single day. So why wouldn’t it show up in their work?
So if we don’t want to go, that’s what we want. That’s the ideal. But you know, sometimes your kids never know what they’re listening to you, right? But there are always, they’re always hearing you say what one interesting point or the other parents who have made to me is I’ve worked with them and to try to help them use these same tools. They said the impostor syndrome kicks up there like, Oh no, no, I don’t know who might’ve, who am I to share this with my children? And, of course, I report back. Well, who else was going to share it? Who was going to do it? Do you want the medium to do it? Do you want the school system to do it? I don’t know. Who do you want to share the lessons about love and fear and courage and resilience and grit in courage and well-being? All of these topics are really key, and if we can understand them at a fundamental level, they will have an advantage.
My kids, we’ll have an advantage as they get to 18, 19, 20 early that part of their careers because they don’t have to try to figure this stuff out. Now they’ll have to; they don’t have to see it in the real world and experience it in the real world, but they’ll have a baseline on which to build.
Not Ready for The Real World: Building Bonds and Growing Audiences Through Mentorship
Well, they won’t have to figure out the knowledge piece they are because you’ve prepared them for that. They’ll need to figure out the application of that knowledge, but you have solved a big piece of the puzzle for them already because you have equipped them with a series of tools, which is awesome. So let me pull this as another parallel, back into a golden nugget you are sharing here for Onward Nation business owners. That is why you are helpful with this content. To your kids, but also sort of in the grassroots guerrilla marketing way, they are helping you grow an audience by sharing that with other kids.
Right? So, all joking aside, it works. That process works because the content is helpful. There’s no sales message; it is all about teaching and mentorship and obviously important lessons, but you’re starting to grow an audience with other parents and their kids purely through the mission. Can I be helpful? Can I help solve a problem? Can I help meet the gap in every single business owner, no matter what industry they’re in, who needs to ask themselves that same question: How can I be helpful to my audience? And you have done it in spades.
How do you determine if you’re ready or not ready for the real world? I appreciate that. That’s why I look at this as a bigger challenge for my children in the future; the future of our nation really comes down to the family. How can we engage as parents to help prepare our children, not with devices and not with distractions, but really engage them in helping to share with them what really matters? And so that is kind of my mission with this is to arm parents with tools, as simple as this, that can help them engage their children in a different way, help their children, or help their children to look at them in a different way.
My children don’t look at me in the same way since they are receiving these lessons. It is more of a conscious relationship or an engaged relationship. And I’m not preaching to him. That is now, I’ve got it. You know, at the beginning of it, I had to try to figure that balance out, right? I’m definitely not preaching at them. Sometimes, I’ll have them give the Lunchbox Lesson, and I’ll say, Hey, Margo, why don’t you do it today? And she’ll read it. And then she’ll read the few sentences underneath it. And it’s just been really impactful for our families. And that’s why I’m so excited to share it with others.
[H3] Not Ready for The Real World: Transforming Personal Development for Families
Okay. Let’s think about it from a business perspective because now we have this really good foundation that you shared with us with respect to content, the purpose behind it, and how you have been rolling this out. Now, I also give a big kudos for the consistency 250; that didn’t happen by accident. So, really solid job there. And my friend, I learned from you. Well, thank you for that. But I mean, you’ve done all the hard work. I mean, that is really incredible. So now, what’s the vision for the business as this actually turns into a business? So what, what is, where do you think that this is going to go?
My, my vision for the future? My big goal with this is to create a cradle-to-grave program for personal development. That helps that so we’re starting with Lunchbox, Lessons starting with parents, but at each end at several inflection points in our lives. So, when we graduate high school, what when we graduate college? Now, what about when we get our first job? Now what, when we get married now, What when we have children? Now, what many times in our lives do we have these moments, and so what’s next?
And how can I navigate the waters of uncertainty of the future? I believe that the way that we do that is through planning, vision, and creating the vision that we want for our lives. And so what’s what I haven’t seen out? There is a cradle to a program that helps parents teach their children. And then we, we get children involved in the program at that level, and then continue to help them throughout their career and then into their into the Twilight of their, of their lives at the same time, giving them tools to give back to others. So my bigvision here is how can we fundamentally transform how we are, we’re serving our family’s and then, and then how we are thinking about personal growth from start to finish and having, having a program to do that.
Not Ready for The Real World: Navigating Life’s ‘Now What’ Moments
Okay. So, I’m going to sound like a little bit of a devil’s advocate here, but we’re good friends. So, I know you’re not going to mind the now what moments, which I don’t know if I’ve ever heard anybody frame it up that way before. So that’s unique and interesting. Okay. Why does that matter?
How do you determine if you’re ready or not ready for the real world? I believe that every one of us wants to live our full potential, but what we don’t have is a guide to help us. No one has taught us how to live our full potential. No one’s taught us what it means to live to their full potential. So if I’m there, or if there are tools that can help you to live your full potential, ideally, no. I realized that the majority of people don’t engage in personal development. This is just not something that they do, but that’s okay. That’s not necessarily my core audience right now. What I am focused on is providing the tools to help people live their full potential.
Because I believe that in my heart of hearts, that’s what we all want to do; we just don’t have a pathway. We don’t have mentors, we don’t have guides. We don’t have role models to help us live that full potential.
Okay. Another golden nugget you just shared with Onward Nation business owners. Right. And that is not my core audience. I think it would be really easy for a business owner to think, Oh, Lunchbox Lessons. Well, that sounds awesome. Every single parent in the country could use Lunchbox Lessons and there is X number of kids and X number of families, an X number of whatever, and then start to think everybody has my customer billions or a globally. Right. But what you’ve done is smartly said, actually know not, not every family is my ideal customer.
It’s actually a niche within that. It’s a family that cares about personal development and these particular topics. So, you’ve created a tool for families, but you’ve actually niched down, which I think is really awesome.
Not Ready for The Real World: The Power of Daily Routines and Persistence
Well, thank you. Yeah. So it’s easy to do. The biggest challenge is what’s easy to do is also easy. What not to do right now? And that’s what happens with these simple tools that we can apply every day. You know, I have my own planner, as you can probably imagine. Stephen, it has everything that I want to do. Here’s my daily rhythm as we learn from Darren Hardy. So I’ve got that here. I want to check these boxes. Here are my priorities for the day, and here’s how I’m going to serve today. And who am I going to text to let him know? I love him and care about him. And then my workout, an exercise and blah, blah, blah, every day, my mission is to fill this out, but every day do I fill it out?
How do you determine if you’re ready or not ready for the real world? Of course, now I don’t. But then, what I’ve learned over time is to stop beating myself up for not filling it out. Is it just fill it out for the next day? Yeah. You know, to begin the next day. So that’s like the Lunchbox Lessons nuggets, which are to not give up on something because you stop doing it for a week or the kids are throwing up sick four a week, and there are any number of excuses for us to quit. What we know is going to help us and our families in the long run. And so that’s another message that I find really important because it’s easy to quit, especially on these simple things that we are trying to do every single day.
Amazing conversation. My friend, I’m so grateful that you said yes to coming back for an Encore And were kind enough to take us behind the curtain into the why and how you’ve built, what you built so far, how you’re turning that into this really amazing vision for a great business. And so I’m, again, I’m grateful for that. So thank you. Before we go, before we close out and say goodbye, any final advice, any stories that we might have missed, or any recommendations you would like to share? And then please do tell Onward Nation business owner is the best way to connect with you for us. And so I just wanted to thank you for the opportunity to, again, talk with you or your audience and Cher, hopefully at some lessons along the way, some lessons learned, but something that I recently learned from a friend of mine and just yesterday, actually we were talking, and we were making plans for 2021.
Not Ready for The Real World: Last Bit of Advice and Connect with Russ
We were talking about what differentiated him in his ability to connect with doctors and patients because that’s his world; he’s a clinician, and he is amazing at it. He was so gifted. He is so talented, but now he knows his product. So a lot of people know their product. They have that skill, but there is an intangible skill that he had or did he have. And I just kept trying to think, what is it? What it is like when he walks into that room with the patient and the doctor, he leaves his ego at the door. He doesn’t try to be right. He listens, he assesses. He tries to understand what the doctor wants.
He tries to understand the challenges of the patients. Through that effort, he finds the solution, and you know what? They love him. They don’t want to work with anyone else, ’cause he wasn’t trying to make them feel right. So, when you are the subject matter expert, it is often important that you just shut your mouth and listen. Then, we offer whatever feedback we can to ultimately have the person we’re talking with get the results that they want. That was a lesson I wanted to share with you from yesterday that I thought was so powerful. Someone who knows so much has so much to offer but yet stays back and just listens.
And everyone wants him. He is in, he can’t, he can’t do everything that everyone wants them to do because he was in such high of a domain. That’s why we can go to, which is the place to go and find out more about the Lunchbox Lessons program and what we’ve got going on. There are a lot of videos. I’ve got a cap ex There were many videos on different training for capital projects, mastery, and management. But the real focus is
Thank you for your time. Oh my gosh. It was just a pleasure to have you here. And Onward Nation, no matter how many times you go back and re-listen to Russ’s words of wisdom in these golden nugget takeaways that he was so generous and kind enough to share with you, no matter how many times do you do that?
The key is to take these lessons about planting your flag, have a story about niching down about creating the right content, and the content calendar or the system is that all of that and the vision behind the Business you, no matter what industry you’re in should have a similar blueprint and he just gave it to you, but you have to take it. Would he share with you? You have to take it and apply it to your business to accelerate your results in Russ. We all have the same 86,400 seconds in a day. And I’m grateful, my friend, that you said yes. Can you come back to be our mentor and guide for a second time to help us move our businesses? Onward to that next level. Thank you so much, Russ.
Absolutely. My pleasure. Thank you for the opportunity.
This episode is complete. So head over to for show notes and more foods to fuel your ambition. Continue to find your recipe for success here at Onward Nation.
Fill Your Sales Pipeline Q&A
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The Sell with Authority Podcast is for agency owners, business coaches, and strategic consultants who are looking to grow a thriving, profitable business that can weather the constant change that seems to be our world’s reality.