Living Life in Abundance
Episode 887: Living Life in Abundance, with Dr. Deborah Ekstrom
Living life in abundance, an insight podcast with Dr. Deborah Ekstrom. Learn the secrets to success and start living life in abundance.
Dr. Deborak K. Ekstrom is the president of Salisbury Plastic Surgery in Massachusetts — a very successful clinic and she’s a highly skilled surgeon and has been honing those skills over decades. But success wasn’t easy. It never is Onward Nation. Even if from the outside, it might seem that way.
It takes hard work — it takes commitment — it takes a drive to get over the obstacles and past the naysayers who are attempting to stand in your way, and then you will finally start living life in abundance. And it takes mentors who can take us under their wing and share their guidance with us. Dr. Ekstrom had people like that in her path — she listened — and she persevered.
And you will also hear about how she has reached a place in her career and life where she wants to not just give back — but to teach, to share, to be a conduit of educational resources…and so I’m excited for her to walk us through the media company her and her team have created called Deluge Beau.
So, Onward Nation — this will be a conversation around grit, tenacity, smarts, and building for the future that I think you are going to find extremely helpful.
What you’ll learn in this episode about living life in abundance:
- How Deborah’s early career as a surgeon began, and the challenges she sometimes faced as a female surgeon in a male-dominated time
- Which valuable skills Deborah had to develop to start living life in abundance, and how her goal is now to help enable others to live their extraordinary life
- Why the ability to teach yourself and continue to learn is a critical skill that any successful business leader needs to develop
- How Deborah began her career without resources and mentors, and why she now works to serve as a teacher and mentor to others and especially women
- Why Deborah created Deluge Beau, and why creating a podcast was well-suited to her skills and interests
- Why Deborah and her team named the podcast Deluge Beau, and why she believes that too many people are afraid to start living life in abundance
- What advice Deborah would offer to anyone who struggles to believe that they are deserving of success
- Why abundance is the natural state of the universe and how someone has to actively take self-destructive steps to avoid abundance
- What sort of women Deluge Beau is seeking to serve and welcome into their community, and what hopes Deborah has for the podcast
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- Be inspired to start living life in abundance by checking out this podcast with Dr. Deborah Ekstrom
Additional Resources:
- Sell With Authority by Drew McLellan and Stephen Woessner:
- Predictive ROI Free Resource Library:
- Stephen Woessner’s LinkedIn:
- Listen to a related podcast about living life in abundance from our guest, Colin Sprake
Living Life in Abundance: Full Episode Transcript
Get ready to find your recipe for success from America’s top business owners here at Onward Nation with your host, Stephen Woessner.
Good morning. I’m Stephen Woessner, CEO of Predictive ROI and your host for Onward Nation, where I interviewed today’s top business owners so we can learn their recipe for success, how they built and how they scaled their business. In fact, my team at Predictive ROI, where we’ve recently rebuilt it, we’re building and scaling our free resources section on
We just added three new ebooks. We’re adding new checklists and guides and soon to be adding in some free courses and webinars, all in an attempt to be even more helpful to you. As part of our doubling down strategy in 2019. So all of this is a compilation of some of the great success strategies from the brilliant insights shared by our very generous guests.
So just go to to get yours, and whatever you request, we will send it right to your inbox.
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Living Life in Abundance: Doctor Ekstrom’s Introduction
Before I introduce you to our very special guest today, Doctor Deborah Kate Ekstrom, I want to share some additional context around why, when she said yes, I knew the conversation was going to be super helpful to you Onward Nation.
Doctor Ekstrom is the president of Salisbury Plastic Surgery Massachusetts, which is a very successful clinic, and she’s been a highly skilled surgeon in honing those skills over decades. But success wasn’t easy. It never is Onward Nation, even when from the outside looking in it might seem that way. It, of course, takes time. It takes hard work. It takes commitment.
It takes a drive to get over the obstacles and past the naysayers who are attempting to stand in your way. More often than not, it takes mentors who can take us under their wing and maybe share some of that invaluable guidance with us. And Doctor Ekstrom had people like that in her path, and she listened and she persevered.
And you’ll also hear about how she has now reached a place in her career, in her life, where she wants to not just give back, but she wants to be able to teach, to share, to be a conduit of educational resources. And I’m so excited for her to walk and share the journey that she’s been on, as she and her team have been building out their media company that they’ve decided to call Deluge Beau.
And we’ll talk a bit about the mission behind her, the purpose, and Doctor Ekstrom in her vision for Deluge Beau. So Onward Nation, this will be a conversation around grit, around tenacity, around smarts in building for the future that I think you’re going to find extremely helpful. So without further adieu, welcome to Onward Nation, Doctor Ekstrom. Yay!
Want to start living life in abundance? Tune it to Doctor Ekstrom’s podcast by clicking here
Living Life in Abundance: Doctor Ekstrom’s Path and Journey
Thanks so much for having me on, Steve. Oh my gosh, it is a delight and a pleasure to have you here. And Doctor Ekstrom even though your bio sounds as impressive as it is and as comprehensive as it is and such a stellar career, in serving patients within your practice, it goes so much deeper than that.
So before we dive in with the questions that I want to ask, you actually take us behind the curtain. Tell us more about you. Tell us more about your path, your journey, and then we’ll dive in. Oh, great. Steve. So, I did medical training back in my early years, and I entered into medicine and then into surgery in a time when women were not very welcome in that realm.
So it was sort of an interesting journey. I think I learned a lot from that, actually. I had some very good mentors who did welcome me, but there were a lot of, especially men in surgery who really didn’t know what to do with me. So getting through that was, it was an interesting experience that I think gave me grit and made me strong.
During that time, though, I was always very entrepreneurially oriented. And I started my own practice when I finished my training after I’d spent a year as a professor, not a full professor, but, teaching at the university, medical school and teaching residents and so through that time, while I was learning medicine and advancing my career and, constantly upgrading my skills, I also was really busy learning about business and about wealth building.
And it was a challenging journey because I didn’t find a lot of resources. I didn’t have a lot of mentors. I really didn’t even know how to make my life work so that I could work. So those were all skills I had to develop. And I think it’s a really crucial thing for women in this day and age, especially where most women do work outside the home to learn those skills and have access to those resources and hopefully not in a way that limits them or is difficult for them.
So for ambitious women, I’m really interested in trying to make something happen for them. And along that pathway, not like a stroke of lightning, but over time, I also decided as my life goal that I would make that goal to live an extraordinary life. And the challenges of living an extraordinary life have to do with mastery, both of self and of a skill, intimacy.
Want to start living life in abundance? Tune it to Doctor Ekstrom’s podcast by clicking here
Living Life in Abundance: Finding Balance in Your Life
So developing deep and satisfying relationships, balance in your life, which probably every woman in America is struggling with, and freedom. And those are the things that I think make up an extraordinary life. And all of that was important to me. But I wanted to do that with an attitude of gratitude and also an attitude that there was a certainty of abundance.
And then on top of that, I really wanted to be an extraordinary resource to others. And this that’s where our new magazine comes in. I want to create beauty because I’m aesthetically oriented, and that gives me a great deal of joy and, love deeply and, choose happiness. So that’s the parameters around my desire and my goal.
Overarching goal for my life is to live an extraordinary life. However, I do that. And it’s been a very gratifying life in terms of studying surgery and becoming a plastic surgeon and helping women to become more beautiful so that I get to create beauty. It’s very fun for me. And, we’re very holistic in our approach to women, though in terms of beauty on the inside, beauty on the outside, and how can you be more successful?
So that’s the culmination of all the things I’ve worked with and studied and all the things that I love in my life, now are being channeled into Deluge Beau, my magazine for women, that we can create aspiration and pathways and, that had pathways and actionable pathways for them to also live extraordinary lives that have to do with personal freedom and mastery and all of the things that can create a really fulfilled and satisfying life for themselves, and hopefully for them to influence the circles of people around them to do the same.
And the reason I think this is important, Steve, is I want to see more balance in our world with more peace and, more women standing shoulder to shoulder with men and also, women learning how to be in the sphere with men so that they also uphold and honor the goals that men have. This is going to be such a great conversation and reminds me of so many of our meetings and phone calls we’ve had, you know, leading up to today’s interview.
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Living Life in Abundance: What To Expect In this Episode
And so, I’m really, really excited to delve into not only Deluge Beau, but also into some of the situations, circumstances, challenges, the great wins and successes that you have had that all now envelop and have kind of built up into. And I like how you said it wasn’t like a lightning strike. This has been part of a path and a journey for you hasn’t it.
So let’s go back to, and the reason why I want to go back to this, although it might sound like I’m trying to focus in on negative and I’m not, but the reason why I’m doing that is because as you and I talked about just even a few days ago, that, you know, about 60 or 70% of our audience happened to be rock.
And also women business owners, owners of very successful businesses, owners of newer businesses looking to get to that next level. So, I think that some of your words and some of your advice, recommendations, insights, strategy, however you want to kind of label that is going to be not only inspirational for them, aspirational, but also set a foundation of, you know, this is what’s possible. This is what’s possible when you have the grit.
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Living Life in Abundance: Learn How to Train Yourself
So take us into some of those early on challenges, I’m sure starting a practice fresh out of training, you know obviously expertise. But then but then doing something like that was probably maybe breaking some of the norms too. Right. Yes. I think that plastic surgeons, many of them do tend to be entrepreneurial.
However, we weren’t taught very much about business, perhaps nothing about business. When we were in training. And most of the people we were training with were academicians. So they really didn’t know anything about business either. So in order to take a practice out into the community, you really needed to, in addition to making sure your skills were excellent in plastic surgery and medicine, you had to train yourself.
And the really great beauty of having a medical education is you learn to teach yourself. And I think it’s a really critical skill in today’s world to teach yourself. And people who don’t teach themselves fall behind. Honestly, it’s an information age. It’s a constant skills upgrade age. So I was really lucky that I got that training and I read literally hundreds and hundreds of books and articles about business.
And I’m still learning every single day about business. And it’s a passion of mine. I really enjoy running a business. And I especially, I especially like having the visionary piece, and I love putting people into place who are passionate about their particular role that can run with it, see what needs to be done, and do it. So I’m not a person who necessarily wants to constantly have their hand in running the business.
I want to be the overall visionary and director. And of course, in plastic surgery I have to be the producer, which is a little different than some businesses, and it’s challenging to go from being the person who’s running the business to the person, not the only person, but the person who’s producing for the business. And I think that back and forth is a little different than some businesses.
You’re right. And, you know, when you get into a rhythm in one of those things, you know, switching gears like that can be a big challenge. But also my guess is two that’s part of one of the aspects of your business that you really enjoy, because you get to continue to practice your craft and, and how you grow up in the business, too.
And you get to practice that on a consistent basis. Right? Absolutely right. And, it becomes easier as you grow, you learn to juggle those things more efficiently. And I think, part of what happens is you grow your capacity and then as you put more and more people into place on your team, that can carry your vision forward, it becomes more and more efficient.
So that’s that. I actually think that the biggest challenge of a business is getting the structures in place, at least for me, getting the structures in place, making them repeatable, and then having the people, who can run with those practices, do that. But, it took me a while to learn that, honestly.
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Living Life in Abundance: Providing Mentorship to Other People
So let’s go back to one of the topics that you mentioned briefly, when you took us behind the curtain and that was mentorship.
And it sounded like if I was tracking with you that, you know, early on in your career, you didn’t have many mentors, you’re kind of, you know, sort of hacking it out through the wilderness all on your own and which is admirable, which goes back to the word grit. Where do you sit now on the topic of mentorship, is that something where you have learned lessons from other mentors?
Or maybe you’re providing now that mentorship to other people so that they don’t have to experience the same sort of, you know, hacking through the wilderness like you did? Yeah, I think it cuts both ways, Stephen. Certainly. I’m still learning. I have better access to mentors than I had. And not all mentors have to be present in the room.
Mentors can be persons who have figured the stuff out and put it down in black and white and books and so forth. The resources we have now with the internet, which didn’t exist when I was starting, is just phenomenal. The opportunity for people to learn and have mentoring is just so great. Now that I think there’s really no excuses for saying you can’t figure this out.
I did not have a lot of that. And when I asked for it, sometimes people looked at me like I had two heads. But honestly, I really was persistent. I have a really strong belief that there’s a way to do it if you want it. And I never, ever give up.
So I’m very, very persistent. And I think it’s a really important trait for people who want to be successful that no matter what, they don’t give up. But it’s out there, and I really want to make it accessible and fast for women. Not that I mind teaching men. I just always have had the idea they wouldn’t listen to me so well.
Some men will learn from this too, I certainly hope. I hope so too. And many are listening. But, you know, you have that lens because that is what happened to you early on in your career. Right? Thankfully, things are changing now and continuing to, but, you know, it wasn’t always that way, right?
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Living Life in Abundance: Being an Extraordinary Resource to Others
Yes. I remember, professor standing up on the stage when I was in medical school telling us that they weren’t going to spoon feed us. And I thought, I’m paying a lot of money to be here. You have all this expertise. I’m trying to drink from a fire hydrant, but you don’t want to spoon feed me. And I interpret that as, boy, are you lazy?
You know, like, why are you not distilling this information and providing it for me? And I did not realize at the time that not everyone has that skill. To me, it seems so obvious how to distill important principles and take pieces of information and illustrate them with stories and background information so that learning is easy.
But, now I realize that that’s not obvious to every person. Well, and it’s such a great example of academic arrogance right there. And whereas when somebody has knowledge like that, like you do now, you know, it’s such a gift to be able to share that, to be able to enrich, to be able to provide people with tools, access, resources, knowledge, all of that so they can lead an extraordinary life as opposed to like trying to keep it secret and that just makes no sense, right?
It doesn’t make any sense to me. But I have a commitment to be an extraordinary resource to others. You know, I don’t expect that everybody has that resource. I really are, as has that, commitment. But I have a great deal of admiration for the people who are out there. And sometimes they take criticism and so forth for being in that position.
But as far as I’m concerned, you stand firm and it’ll make our world a better place if more people have access to this information. So let’s turn our attention toward delusion. So I think you’ve given us some good framing, for your background, where you came from early on, experiences and sort of how you approach your practice as not only, a doctor and a physician, but also as an entrepreneur and a business owner.
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Living Life in Abundance: Talking About Deluge Beau, The Magazine
So, let’s turn our attention toward Deluge Beau. And you’ve sort of touched on this a bit, but why, why was creating a magazine, creating a movement, creating a community, so important to you? I think it stems from the very basic fiber of who I am. And I looked for a long time, for an information based business and system that would fit with my passions.
And when I found this, the way forward to making a magazine that you could reach out and provide content and actionable solutions for people, it seemed like it fit for me in a way that would bring everything together that I had been striving for, in a way that I could provide it for other people.
And, I never really realized this until a patient told me one day, she says, you know, when you walk in the room, it’s obvious to everyone that you’re interested in making everyone successful. That gives me a huge amount of gratification and joy and fulfillment to see that happening. Perhaps it’s the way parents feel about their children.
I also never been a very small thinker. I truly believe that it’s within my capability to influence the world, and I believe you can do that at a grassroots level. At a very basic level, you don’t have to be president of the United States or Premier of Russia or something like that to do that. I think, in fact, the real power lies in the grassroots and in the basic people.
And I love the power of ideas. I want those ideas to be positive. And we have way too many critical, envious ideas being spread, for example, by our politicians. And I don’t think that’s where we want to be. I think we want to be in an arena of, I can do it. I can make it happen.
I can help other people make it happen. And we can all be successful. There’s abundance for all. And let’s go get it. That is awesome. Might be a little bit too much information. You give me goosebumps on my arms there. That’s it. And I love that. I love it not not because it’s inspirational, but because it’s like it’s it.
Right? That it is so. So the name Deluge Beau is obviously intriguing. And you know, the first time that you shared it with me, I’m like, okay. So there’s a story there.
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Living Life in Abundance: How Deluge Beau Got Its Name
So tell us the story. The name. Like why did you decide to name it Deluge Beau? It was quite an interesting journey toward that name.
We spent a lot of time brainstorming about what we were going to do. And, we would try various words, various combinations of words. And the truth is, there’s a lot of information out there, and there’s limitations to what you can use to trademark your name. We wanted to make sure it was recognizable and unique.
And when we came upon, we also had a lot of rain this year, a lot of Deluge. So, we would come upon Deluge. We just thought, yes, a torrent is great. That’s going to be a torrent of information. And then we thought, and it’s going to be really, really, beautiful information, not only in the context of, visual beauty and experiential beauty, but beauty in terms of value.
And that’s why we hit upon that name, and we looked to see if it would fit in terms of our trademarking goals. And then we said, yes, this works. And we just have been running with it and loving it ever since.
Want to start living life in abundance? Tune it to Doctor Ekstrom’s podcast by clicking here
Living Life in Abundance: Following a Stepwise Process
Well, it’s a powerful visual, especially when you see the torrent of information. But you know, going back to early on in your education, you mentioned the fire hose.
But I think part of your gift is to not just provide a torrent or a fire hose of information, but to do that in a guided way. Right? Yes, absolutely. I think, there’s a stepwise process through development for the things we’re talking about, not just financial freedom, but personal freedom and power, and the ability to influence others in a personal way.
There’s a stepwise process. It’s very difficult, I think, for many individuals who are not yet into that realm to figure out how to make this work. And once again, that whole teaching thing and how to put the puzzle together. So if you’ve ever done a puzzle where you put all the little pieces together, I don’t know about you, but I always start with the corners, I create the frame, and then I build inward from that frame.
And I think we’re going to be teaching in that way. What are the cornerstones? How do we frame this? And we certainly wanted to create a context for abundance. I think so many people are afraid of abundance. They’re so afraid to wish for that. And the things, even the material things that might go with that, because they think if they have more, someone else has less, which is not a true concept, but we intend to create that framework and then build inward from there. And the truth is, this puzzle has no last piece.
Want to start living life in abundance? Tune it to Doctor Ekstrom’s podcast by clicking here
Living Life in Abundance: Creating The Next Best Version of Yourself
Interesting. Okay, so what do you mean by that? So what I mean is that I don’t think people ever stop building or they don’t need to ever stop learning, creating, experiencing and passing all of that on. There’s no time in our world where every person’s finished.
And it’s the beauty of the journey and how it creates you is your next best version of yourself. In my opinion, that is the real, precious piece to all of this. Okay, so let’s take that and tie it back to what you were just saying about abundance, because I wonder if I want to get your thoughts on this, that I’m kind of knitting some things together here, but maybe there’s some holes.
It kind of made me feel like when you mention abundance, that maybe sometimes our gap or stop or block or obstacle, whatever word we want to use in stepping into abundance is if we feel that we’re not deserving of that, which is. Do you think that’s true? I think that’s especially true for women. It’s very interesting to me how when men get an opportunity, they don’t really care whether they’ve got all the pieces put together to be successful at that.
They just raise their hand. And women are worried about being perfect first. And, without the experience of that particular opportunity, they can’t possibly be perfect. So I think, yes, especially women again, women are busy doing for everyone else. They’re doing it for their parents, they’re doing it for their children. They’re helping their husbands be successful. They’re making great homes.
But they’re not always paying attention to themselves. And how? By making themselves abundant, they can add to all of that. So I think a lot of women don’t feel they deserve it. I think they don’t feel they deserve it. And perhaps that it’s not even an honorable thing. And, my first article that I’m writing in our section on wealth in Deluge Beau is called Prelude to Wealth.
And if those attitudes are in place, they will stop anyone from being successful in business, being successful in the path they’ve chosen. Being successful all even in their personal relationships because they don’t feel deserving. So I think you hit on the very most basic stop that keeps people from not progressing. So then what would you say to that business owner who’s listening to you right now, who maybe didn’t even realize that that’s what they’re wrestling with until you hurt or until they heard your words right there.
Want to start living life in abundance? Tune it to Doctor Ekstrom’s podcast by clicking here
Living Life in Abundance: Success Drives Your Attitude
So what would you say to that person who feels like they’re not deserved? I think, I would say to that person to do the personal development necessary that makes them believe in themselves, whatever that takes, so that they do know that, you know, they can convince themselves even if they have to tell themselves over and over that they are deserving.
The other thing that I think is really important for people to know is that success drives your attitude. Actions with success drive your attitude. And it’s not necessarily always the other way around that you fix your attitude and then you have more success when you actually try things. You’re brave, you’re bold, you jump out of your comfort zone and then you have success.
Yes, you might have a failure. Get up, do it again until you have success, and that will drive your attitude that you do, in fact, deserve this. And it’s an interesting way that the brain works. Absolutely. Either for you or against you. Right. Totally true. People who have one failure, oftentimes give up and that’s a failure is just a way of showing you didn’t you didn’t find a way to do it, particularly.
It doesn’t mean that it can’t work. And in truth, I have had some coaching through the years. I think coaching is a really great thing to spend some money on. I think it makes you much faster and much more aware of who you are, how you are and what you’re doing and what you need to do to transform that.
But, I had a coach who used to have the mantra, there is a way it can be done. There is enough. I am the one. And I think that that is a really, really great mantra just to even teach your children. So you take personal responsibility. You understand that you need to be perseverant in finding the pathway because there is one.
And if you can imagine it, it can be achieved. You have to be committed. If you don’t throw it out there to the universe with a great deal of commitment, anticipating that it’s already there, for you, I think it’s much more difficult. See what I’m really gathering from this, and I have a few more questions for you.
I feel like I’m just kind of peppering you with your questions. So I’m just curious about this, but I’m trying to kind of put several different thoughts together into one question because my mind is just racing. What you’ve really provided here or provided here is like this roadmap to keep from aimlessly wandering through the wilderness, whether it’s encouragement or resources that framing, whatever that might be, because we kind of like what you just shared from your coach is super powerful.
And the way that that ends with the I am the one is really, really telling not only to your mindset, but what it is that you want to contribute to this community, too.
Want to start living life in abundance? Tune it to Doctor Ekstrom’s podcast by clicking here
Living Life in Abundance: Create The Right Circumstances
Yeah, it’s absolutely true. I think attitude is so incredibly important. And, you know, I’ve noticed that there’s all these little sayings that people put on their walls or set up, but I’m not sure they really know how to take action on them.
Like follow your dreams. What does that mean? What do you really have to do to do that? You know, choose happiness. There’s something profound that a lot of people don’t know. They think that happiness is somehow external. Not that you make a choice to be happy, but to actually put those sorts of things, you know, your attitude determines your attitude.
How many posters have you seen that on? And yet people really don’t know how to manage their attitude. And, don’t even know that they might not have an attitude that leads to abundance. Well, you know, somebody feels like at the core that they’re not deserving of that and they’re still stuck. Completely stuck. Yeah. I think it’s really right on that basis.
And you cannot get it if you cannot envision a context in which you are successful. And if you do not believe you deserve it, then yes, in fact, you can’t. But I think that the natural state of people and the individual in the world is to be abundant, and that you actually have to either not take opportunities or create situations to stop that in order to not be abundant.
You actually have to take actions or fail to take actions because the universe wants to bestow on you. Now, I have met so many business owners and people in my career going back to the abundance piece and I’m sure you’ve seen these situations too, where one person buys a really nice car or something, you know, whatever.
And then another person sees that and feels slighted as if that came out of their garage. Yeah, right. And it’s like, wait a minute. Just because that person has now been successful or is achieving more, that doesn’t now mean that you’re less. But it is interesting, though, how some people fall into that trap, and then that trap keeps them.
One of the things that can keep them from stepping into abundance, right? I think so. It’s interesting because when we have lack, we think that, by having more, that will relieve the pain of lack. Right. But the truth is that that’s not really how it works. And, you think by having more than that, that will make you happy.
But it actually happens the other way. You have to choose first and then take the steps one by one to find abundance and recognize that, you know, no, it doesn’t fall like manna from heaven. You just have to create the circumstances for it to come into your life. And that’s, you know, where I think business owners are a step ahead.
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Living Life in Abundance: The People That Doctor Ekstrom Wants to Serve in The Community
Not all of them know how to scale their businesses, but the information’s out there. Not all of them may make good choices the first time about what business they should be in. So, you know, but there’s information out there, and I think that, you know, business owners are a really, really special group in terms of what they are bringing to the world.
Not that being an employee is a bad thing. It’s just not going to create the same kind of wealth. So let’s, we’ve kind of touched on this a number of different times, but I really want to make sure that we have this dialed in as well. So because we’ve talked a little bit about, you know, why Deluge Beau was so important to you.
What are some of the topic areas why you feel so deeply committed to it? But let’s really make sure that we cover who likes who this is for. And certainly, women are a core audience. But let’s talk about her as in like the type of ambitious woman that is going to feel at home in this community.
Tell us a little bit more about the Who that you’re looking to serve in your community. Great. Yes. So we’re really looking to serve women who have a desire for personal and professional success. And the financial freedom especially, and the general freedom, personal freedom that that leads to so that they can have power over themselves, especially the power to do not necessarily power over others.
And, we also want to have women who are interested in being able to better, influence personal and professional outcomes. So basically, we’re looking for a celebration and people to embrace the beauty of feminine ambition. Ambition sometimes gets a bad rap. It gives you the ability to have choices if you’re ambitious and have success and freedom, financial freedom, especially.
And it gives you the ability to have extraordinary relationships and to draw people who are also in that realm to you, without which, why are they going to give you the time of day? It also, I think women are very, long sighted in their lives. And they want to raise competent and capable children and grandchildren.
And that is the woman that we are speaking to. And, women who are brave enough to explore possibilities and become leaders. Now, not every woman is there yet. There are some women who are just going to be intrigued, and want to get a glimpse of what might happen. And I’m hoping that we can drive them into action.
Not every person is going to resonate with our message. For the ones that are out there, we want to give them pathways, a helping hand, support, actionable training, that will take them to the next place to be and a lot of training out there. We may not necessarily develop it ourselves, although we will develop some of it.
But there’s great people out there who spent their lives, for example, studying, happiness or studying male behavior or studying leadership and becoming leaders and or studying a particular pathway to wealth and developing in a way that they can share it there at a very good price with other people so that they can emulate that success. So that’s the woman we’re speaking to, and I don’t know if we’ll have male readers or not.
We may, I don’t know the answer to that. I’m going to be intrigued to see, but there’s nothing specific about this with perhaps the special challenges that come with being a homemaker, wife, mother and successful entrepreneur or successful business person. That doesn’t apply to men equally well. You’ll definitely have at least one.
Want to start living life in abundance? Tune it to Doctor Ekstrom’s podcast by clicking here
Living Life in Abundance: Being Smart and Driven to Become a Balanced Person
Thank you. But, all joking aside, I mean, there is much to be learned here, no matter what gender. And because some of the or not, some, a lot of what you’re sharing and teaching and so forth is just, it’s, they’re the foundations for success. And if somebody is ambitious and smart and wants to step into abundance and so forth, that’s gender agnostic.
If you truly are smart and driven and really want to learn and be that balanced person, then yes, you definitely have one and I’m sure you’ll have many, many more. Wonderful. I’m glad you have that insight. It would be lovely, truly. And at the same time, we’re very interested in bringing women along and, I think they have some special challenges to meet, and they need to know what can be done.
Yeah. This has been such a phenomenal conversation. And I’m grateful that you took the time to take us into this path and journey, this commitment and, and how you’re really creating a movement and in everything that’s surrounding. Deluge Beau is just super, super exciting. And it is just lovely to be, you know, learning about it as you’re building it and your team is so committed to it.
So I know we covered a lot, but before we go, before we close out and say goodbye, is there anything else that you like to share? Anything you think we might have missed? And then? And then tell us the best way to connect with you, Doctor Ekstrom.
Want to start living life in abundance? Tune it to Doctor Ekstrom’s podcast by clicking here
Living Life in Abundance: Final Advice and How to Connect with Doctor Ekstrom
The best way to connect is to come right to our website.
Will be starting our first inaugural publication very, very soon. and you can right now go to our Facebook or Instagram site. And that’s also a great way to get connected with us. We’re excited to have anybody coming on board. Our subscriptions are going to be free. So all of this information can flow into your inbox, and you don’t even need to worry about that.
So that’s, And I forgot your other question. Any final advice? Anything you think we might have missed? I think you were very comprehensive. I just want to thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to put this out to the universe. And, thank you. Thank you very much. Oh, gosh. It’s just been a pleasure having you here.
And Onward Nation, no matter how many notes you took, and I took a bunch or how often you go back and relisten to Doctor Ekstrom’s words of wisdom, which I sure hope that you do. The key is you have to take it in and apply it and take action to step into the abundance that she described in Doctor Ekstrom.
And we all have the same 86,400 seconds in a day. And I am grateful that you said yes, came on to the show to be our mentor, to be our guide, to help us move our businesses onward to that next level. Thank you so much, my friend. Hey, thank you.
This episode is complete, so head over to for show notes and more food to fuel your ambition. Continue to find your recipe for success here at Onward Nation.
Want to start living life in abundance? Tune it to Doctor Ekstrom’s podcast by clicking here
Fill Your Sales Pipeline Q&A
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