How to sell and exit your business, with Ace Chapman
Episode 798
Our special encore guest today is Ace Chapman. Ace bought his first business when he was 19 years old. It was an online stock market simulator called CoolWallStreet. After selling it, and seeing the benefits in buying a business over starting one, he caught the business buying bug. Since then he has bought and sold over 40 businesses and has helped his clients all over the world buy companies. Now…you may remember Ace and the wisdom he shared during Episode 561. If you haven’t listened to, studied, and applied all he shared during our first interview…I highly encourage you to add Episode 561 to your list of vital priorities.
What you’ll learn about in this episode:
- Ace’s 19 years of success since his first successful venture at age 19, when he got involved in the technique of selling businesses professionally
- The brief history of purchasing small Internet businesses and what it can show us about the art of buying mature entities
- A behind-the-scenes look at private equity firms, as well as how to leverage a budding infrastructure with future potential
- How to find deals when you can’t compete in your area (including the ins and outs of finding lucrative opportunities in international business)
- Ace’s private equity partner program, which thrives on progressive financing options designed to give an earn-out based upon funding deals
- The intricacies of nurturing your business’ “secret sauce,” or unique strength and the importance of making these strengths approachable—so as to not alienate, and push away, prospective buyers
- How to put yourself in the shoes of the customer in today’s business-selling world, as well as the power of catering to Corporate America
- Leveraging the entrepreneur mindset, wherein startup owners might be a difficult sell, overall, due to their independence and need to nurture something entirely their own
- How to establish a legacy for your business and how to conduct your due diligence while your prospective buyers do theirs
Ways to contact Ace:
- Website:
- Twitter: @acechapman
- LinkedIn:
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The Sell with Authority Podcast is for agency owners, business coaches, and strategic consultants who are looking to grow a thriving, profitable business that can weather the constant change that seems to be our world’s reality.