Social That Sells for 2024 and Beyond, with Josephine Agrawal & Alina Sutherland

Episode 92

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As we pondered how to best be helpful in this episode of Sell With Authority, we realized that the landscape of social media has evolved dramatically.

So — we decided to dive into a biz dev topic that’s been two decades in the making. It’s no longer just about “likes”, “comments”, and “shares” at the top of the funnel when utilizing social media.

In 2024 and beyond, clients want more — they want measurable impact on sales at the bottom of the funnel.

So, buckle up because today, we unravel the mystery of driving sales through social media with a methodology our guest experts have coined as “Social that Sells.” I was intrigued when I heard them describe it as a “strategic trifecta of tactics that will help your client or brand foster a community ready to convert.” Who wouldn’t want a community ready to convert, right?

Leading us on this expedition are two brilliant minds, Alina Sutherland and Josephine Agrawal, Founders of Pomona Creative. They built their “Social that Sells” methodology brick by brick, and today, they graciously share the secrets behind its success.

Also joining me is our very own mad scientist and strategist here at Predictive, Hannah Roth. She brings a unique perspective from the trenches, working daily alongside our clients, helping them build authority positions and fill their sales pipelines with the right-fit prospects.

Throughout this episode, we quiz Alina and Josephine on how they built it, how they executed it, and the jaw-dropping results they’ve seen.

If you take and apply the golden nuggets shared during this episode, you will be ready to crush 2024 and make it your most successful and profitable year yet — because you harnessed the power of Social that Sells.

What you will learn in this episode:

  • How social media evolved from a personal tool to a giant marketing tool
  • The Social that Sells Methodology
  • How Pomona Creative built the Social that Sells Methodology
  • How to execute the Social that Sells Methodology
  • Results that Pomona Creative has seen utilizing Social that Sells Methodology
  • Ways agency owners and strategic consultants can enhance social media presence


Additional Resources:

Fill Your Sales Pipeline Q&A

LIVE Wednesdays at 1:00 pm Eastern / 12 Noon Central

Sell with Authority Podcast

The Sell with Authority Podcast is for agency owners, business coaches, and strategic consultants who are looking to grow a thriving, profitable business that can weather the constant change that seems to be our world’s reality.

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