Finding Clarity in Life

Episode 906: Finding Clarity in Life, with Dixie Decker

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Finding clarity in life can open you to many opportunities. Learn from Dixie Decker on how everything changed after finding clarity in life.

After a devastating divorce and bankruptcy, this single mother of two rebuilt her life through real estate. In the process of finding clarity in life, Dixie Decker accidentally stumbled upon a unique method for buying and profiting in real estate without using any of her own money or credit: student housing.

In just three years, she mastered the process, building her net worth to over $5,000,000 and $100,000 per month in positive cash flow! Today her cash flow machine runs practically on AUTOPILOT, so she can focus on her family, growing investments, building associations with other women, and helping others succeed.


What you will learn from this episode about finding clarity in life:

  • The importance of finding clarity in life for Dixie and how she’s spreading the message
  • The effects of the people, music, and environment you surround yourself with
  • Giving yourself the credit for your successes; nothing just happens to you from nowhere
  • Finding the right people to capture your authentic voice
  • Dixie’s advice to finding clarity in life and increasing productivity
  • Niching down and why it’s such a significant thing to do for your business
  • Turning your flaws and failures into “badges of honor” through courage


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Finding Clarity in Life: Full Episode Transcript


Get ready to find your recipe for success from America’s top business owners here at Onward Nation with your host, Stephen Woessner.


Good morning, Onward Nation. I’m Stephen Woessner. And before I introduce you to our very, very special encore guests today, let me share some additional context about why, when Dixie Decker white white, when her and I were going back and forth about about her coming back for an encore, why, yes, I was over the moon excited that she said yes to come back for an encore.


Look, I mean, she’s running a very successful real estate business. I know that time is short. You hear me talk all the time about how we all have the same 86,400 seconds of the day. So when one of our guests said yes to come and do an original interview, Dixie’s was 644. I’m ecstatic that somebody said yes.


Because I think it’s a great opportunity for us to learn. And also being cognizant of the fact that, you know, everybody has busy schedules. So when somebody says that they’ll come back for a second and they’re going to do an encore, like, wow, what is a special opportunity? So not only the fact that we get to know a little bit more, learn a little bit more about her story, but there’s been a lot of things that have happened in the last two years since the first time that we had to be able to sit down for an encore or the original interview.


Excuse me. So what you’re going to hear is this really this story of courage, this story of clarity, that was the word that she used to kind of theme the year clarity. You’re going to hear how she went even deeper into niching her business and how that automation has really grown in 2019. But you’re going to hear some personal things about how she was on this mission.


Dixie was on this mission to form a group of, you know, fellow women, some business owners, some not. And how collectively, the power of associations really benefited people within that group. We talk about how, you know, you’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with. There’s going to be stories and lessons around that, and there’s going to be a lot of lessons for our women entrepreneurs who are listening, women business owners who are listening right now.


I think you’re going to get a lot of encouragement. And that isn’t just women. It stretches across both sides of the gender aisle, because sometimes I think men do a pretty good job of having this facade that everything’s all together when behind the curtain. We know it’s a crazy bag of cats. So Onward Nation buckled in, because this is going to be a great conversation.


I think you’re going to find it inspiring and packed full of lessons that you can take and apply. So without further ado, I’m so very excited, Dixie, to have you back. Thank you for saying yes. Welcome back to Onward Nation. 


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Finding Clarity in Life: Dixie Decker’s Introduction


Hey. Thank you. I’m excited to be back. I think these are a lot of fun. And yours in particular is very fun for me because it’s just a little different than what I get to do for other other circuits or teachings and stuff.


That’s just specifically about student housing. And if you have a business of any sort, there’s so much more that comes with it than just your primary message. Well, so let’s take that piece, the primary message. Let me hook that back into what you and I were talking about, kind of in the green room before, pressing record.


And, and so the primary word that you were using for 2019 clarity. So why did you choose clarity? Like, why was that like, such a pull for you? Well, so part of this, you know, and you, maybe just we didn’t even mention it earlier, but part of my word clarity is every year we go into the year and actually we spent goals more than just once a year, but we kind of know what we want to accomplish each year to grow from where we were last year.


And this year, I just wasn’t sure what portion of the businesses I wanted to grow. My kiddos are 16 and 11 now, and it really strikes home that you don’t have that many more years with them at home. And so I spend my hours growing a business to another level. Or do I spend it growing my relationship and my memories with the kids?


Awesome. And one of those questions with the business was, do I do my own podcast channel? And then the other one was, do I launch an online marketing program teaching program, or do I just start traveling a ton to do this teaching training, speaking thing across the country? Or how can I get my message to people in other facets?


And that’s those businesses. That’s not to include the real estate business. How much do we want to grow it? Do we want to take advantage of the height of the market and sell a few things? All those questions were just kind of boiling. And no solid sign sticking out there saying this is what you should do this year.


And because I’ve been scratching and inclined to come back from below the dirt for several years, every year, I always knew what that path looked like. I could project where I wanted to go, and this year I could not. So my word from goodness, it was October of 2018. I kept saying my word for 2019 is clarity. I just need clarity on what I want to do with that year.


Start finding clarity in life with the help of these books


Finding Clarity in Life: Building Strength and Support to Women Entrepreneurs


The options are endless, but only I can choose what that is. So I just really searched and kind of decided that 2019 was my year of adventure. More than business. And along with that came just a calling to my heart that said, and I’ve struggled with this from the get go that I didn’t want to leave men out of the training and teachings of student housing and real estate.


But I really noticed that women in general seemed to pick on each other or try to promote themselves as better than another because of x, y, z. And I just thought to myself, If I’m running a successful business and I still have this moment of needing clarity, I can’t be the only one out there searching for what’s next.


And I felt relatively successful and still had this feeling of I don’t know what’s next. And so my life coach is Richard Flint, and I was sharing this with him in one of our meetings and I said, I just would love to share your message along with my message to women because I think we need to build that strength, muscle of growth and support and strength.


And he said, yes, I will help guide that meeting and we started it in January and it has been phenomenal. It’s a relatively small group local to my area right now, but I just see corporate women and entrepreneur women kind of come together under one roof and say we’re all so much alike. Even though we think we’re totally different and no one understands what we’re going through, the struggle is real.


Start finding clarity in life with the help of these books


Finding Clarity in Life: Finding Support and Clarity on Things


When you have so many goals and so many people pulling at you and your life and what’s right and what’s wrong, and there is no right or wrong answer, it’s simply personal choices. But it’s given us a platform to just lean on someone outside of our four walls at home to give us that extra boost of, yeah, you should go for that.


And I’ve seen women put their marriages back together in these few short months. I’ve seen women quit jobs and start new jobs that they never thought they should do or not do. Another gal has kind of given her husband the push that he could open his own business, and she’s there to support that. Because he was hating what he was doing, but they were too nervous to take that leap because becoming a self-employed person is not easy.


And, what? Yeah. So it’s been phenomenal to do something this year that kind of stopped me outside of my box. But it wasn’t for personal gain, revenue or followers or any of those things that have been when you’re broke, you’re concentrating on revenue, and then you kind of get to this place that you wanted to be, and sometimes it’s not all you thought it would be.


And you say, what? What’s next? What more is there? And that was my search this year. And for me, it was memories and people and support and clarity for all of those things. In my opinion, that’s such a courageous decision. And here’s why I say that. Because, you know, most of the world would look at that and say, which is you should focus on growing the business more or you should do this or add more people or for the automation or automate or whatever.


Yeah. And I think it takes a lot in my opinion. It takes a lot of courage to say, okay, maybe, but not now. Yeah. And instead I’m going to focus on these things because this is what matters today or for the next 24 months or the next three years or whatever. That’s your choice to make as the business owner.


Start finding clarity in life with the help of these books


Finding Clarity in Life: Building Up on Other People


So good on you, Dixie. Yes, I appreciate that. And the cool thing is, and you said it in your intro, surround yourself with the five people who are your top five people who you’re most like, right? And I actually did a little video the other day and I was talking about this concept that even that saying goes as deep as, what are you listening to on the radio?


What music are you listening to? Whatever that is, that is what you are doing. And I, you kind of pay attention to that with teenagers, if they’re listening to the sappy love songs, they’re in love. If they’re listening to the break me up songs. They just pop up. But, if they’re listening to them I’m going to get drunk in a truck on a dirt road.


They’re kind of headed down that party path, and us adults are the same way. And so it’s not just the people you surround yourself with, it’s the music, it’s the TV, it’s the collection of all of those things. Yes. And while I’ve been concentrating on this, I want to build people up to believe in themselves.


This year, the business has continued to grow, both businesses. My adventures have gotten to grow this year in ways that I really only was dreaming they could happen. I bought myself a new car, a Mercedes, which I never thought in my wildest dreams I would ever own or deserve to own. We bought a second home in Destin, Florida, to enjoy and make memories.


And along with that, you know, we’ll rent it out as well. We’re no fools. We’ll make money when we’re not there. But these things have continued to happen when it wasn’t even my mission this year, because I feel like we are surrounded with those mentors and those other people taking action every day. So unconsciously, we continue to take action because we’re building up other people and supporting each other along the way.


And sometimes we just don’t even give ourselves credit for those things. We just think that they happened and nothing just happens to you. 


Start finding clarity in life with the help of these books


Finding Clarity in Life: Rewarding Yourself After All That Hard Work


Amen to that. A firm believer and Onward Nation, for some additional context is to because I think Dixie really shared an important lesson there that I just want to tease out. And that is when she mentioned buying the new Mercedes, and she felt like I never thought that I’d be in a position where, like, I could feel like I would deserve that car.


You need to go back to episode 644 and hear her story and the emotional trauma, the financial trauma, everything that she boldly and courageous, fully dug out of. So to hear the fact that she’s built a very successful business, that now she’s, you know, this is like one of the rewards of working really, really hard for those years.


But it’ll also tie back to the psychology of why she said what she just said. Yes. Right. And I think that and again, props to everybody out there, flaunting the lambos and the mansions and all of that stuff. But for me, most of that’s fake anyway. For me, it was it. Those things are cool and fun, and I’m excited about what we’ve done this year.


But it was in my wildest dreams that any of this stuff would happen. And it’s happened in a more natural pattern over a flaunting material pattern. It’s just been something that you want, but you won’t allow yourself to have it. Yeah. And then the time was here. And as crazy as it is, the time was here. The thought was in my mind and coincidentally, or a godly thing.


The car showed itself. And I was like, hello? Well, no, I’m going to pass on that. I shouldn’t do that yet. And then, you know, a couple months passed and that car came back around and I was like, why does this thing keep coming back? Like, okay, it’s time to just do this. Enjoy something for a moment. And that’s so along with clarity this year, my biggest goal was adventure and memories.


That’s what adventure means for me, is the memories to go along with that. And so I’ve done a pretty good job so far this year. The Lord works in mysterious ways. Bringing that car back around. 


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Finding Clarity in Life: Managing Roadblocks in Business


Well, let’s talk a little bit about adventure from the personal or, excuse me, the professional perspective. Because, you know, when you and I first dialed in, and we’re chatting in the green room like, hey, huge props on what you’re doing on Instagram and Facebook.


Like the video series that you have launched, its daily Onward Nation. So if you’re not currently following Dixie on Instagram, I highly suggest that you do. So search on Dixie Decker and you’ll be able to find her there, queen of student housing. Queen of student housing? Yes. My, speaking of that, my original Instagram account that’s under Dixie Decker just decided to, like, crash on us, and I know that’s it.


And so we had to create the second page now, and I was just devastated. And so we’re rebuilding all of that. And that’s part of business. Crazy things happen. Well, so talk about that because like whether it’s the account in a crash and this and that and oh my gosh, now I got to be in front of the camera.


Everything to finding somebody to be able to make sure that your voice comes through, that is truly your authentic self. All of those can be roadblocks for most business owners. Absolutely. So talk to us through how you managed to get over that. Oh, well, so it’s a hard, hard thing. And I am not an internet marketing guru by any means.


I know just enough to be dangerous. But not effective. And with the real estate business, I know that, like the front and back of my hand, I know how to find tenants. I know how to find sellers. I know how to find buyers. It was, even though there’s all these fantastic internet marketing tools out there.


Real estate doesn’t have to be in that world. I mean, just signs and letters and those things can be very simple. I call it old school ways. But with this teaching training, speaking business, you really are trying to get your message across the country because you’re not just buying in your local area, you’re not just talking to the people in your local area.


And I needed to find someone who could specialize in that. And so I’ve been through several people and all of them had their strengths and did great jobs in different aspects. But as a woman teaching or training, I’m from the Ozarks, so I say I’m not rehearsing a Branson show. I’m not a rehearsed, memorized speaker.


I do a lot of speaking from the hip or from my heart, and people can see that through me when they meet me, when they come to my events. And you likely never hear me say the same thing twice, because you just never know what’s going to come out. So finding somebody that can do internet marketing for me felt like such a roadblock, because so many men were in the industry, or those were the ones I seemed to be finding that we’re doing great work out in the industry, but they couldn’t hone in on my voice or my message the way I deliver it.


And so they understood real estate teachings and other gurus and trainers. So they liked to use what they knew to promote my information. And sometimes I would read these posts and I’d be like, I don’t even know what that means. How could I possibly have put that post out there? Right. And I would find myself every day, like waiting for them to make my posts so I could go in and edit it and make it sound like me.


And I didn’t want to do this. This is not one of the jobs in my business that I wanted to learn, or I wanted to perfect or do. And so I went through several people just trying to find somebody that would hear me and post like it was me, post my message with my voice in it, and I found this guy.


He’s been great, actually. I think he found me through another, great friend of mine who’s in the sales industry, actually, and he said, just give this guy a try. And the cool part about him was he didn’t sell me. On how awesome he was. He just said, hey, let me do a little bit. We’ll put some stuff out there, see what you like.


If you like it, we’ll move forward if you don’t. No big deal. Nice. And that kind of goes back to that. Some skin in the game thought process. So he had skin in the game to succeed because he’d done a little bit of free work up front to then show me he heard my voice and I was like, this is totally different.


Start finding clarity in life with the help of these books


Finding Clarity in Life: Finding Someone to Work on The Internet Marketing Side


Everybody else wants $5,000 upfront to do nothing. And then they do it their way, and then you still need to redo it when they’re finished. Yeah. And so I guess my soapbox on that is you don’t get it right the first time. Probably not the second time. Sometimes it’s the fifth or sixth time and that’s okay. But you do need to find somebody that is really for, in my opinion, when it comes to this internet marketing side of it and even within your business, they may have the greatest skill set in that department.


But if they can’t relate to you or they can’t be a part of your culture, it’s never going to work out. No matter how amazing they are at what they do. And it has to sound like you. So like you’re recording all these videos and and so I know you guys record a batch of videos at one time, which in and of itself would be a lesson for Onward Nation business owners that it’s not like, you know, record one than record one than area.


And every day you’re recording something. No, dude, do like what Dixie and her team were doing recording a batch of videos all at one time, and then they get sliced and diced across the multiple days. But so that’s you in the video. And so obviously that’s your voice. But the disconnect can then come, okay. Once you’ve, you know, shared your thought leadership in the videos and then you’re on to doing other things.


You need somebody to be able to maintain your voice that you put into the videos. Yes, yes. So often what happens is you get your voice through the video, but then someone needs to edit it and then post it. And when they post that they don’t just post the video, they have to post a little summary of what this video is about.


And I would see Bitly links. Then I would see you know, Wall Street Journal says .2.2. check out this video. And I’m like, the video says nothing about Wall Street Journal. I don’t read the Wall Street Journal. And we don’t need a Bitly link. It’s just me. Check it out. You know, and learn. Learn. You know, one trick to your leads like it’s that it can be so simple and I love that we are just providing good pieces of content or whatever’s on my heart.


And from the business aspect, I was actually just talking to another investor yesterday about this because he said the same thing. I can’t get on my Facebook without seeing your face. What’s going on? And I said the coolest thing has happened. I said, I emailed myself all month long, I’m one of those weirdos that wakes up in the night with this thought of greatness.


And then I forget about it the next day, right? And so when I wake up with this great thought, I email it to myself and in the subject line, a video dash, whatever. My idea is nice. And I go back to sleep or I move on with dinner whenever this thought strikes me, it’s usually while I’m sleeping in the shower or driving.


Those are the three times my great thoughts come to me, and never convenient times to write them down, you know? And so all month long I just do this. I email myself and then he comes down once a month and we spend the entire day together, and I just print out my list of every subject line that has the word video in it, and I just start going to town.


Start finding clarity in life with the help of these books


Finding Clarity in Life: Paying Attention to Details


That’s smart. And that’s done all in one day. We accomplished content for 30 to 60 days, smart and then he’s virtual. The rest of the time. I never see him any other time of the month, and he’s just doing all this work behind the scenes flawlessly. I don’t have to babysit him, and I call that an adult, and it’s fantastic to work with adults.


Amen. And yes, and the fact that your voice is intact to all of that. So that when somebody either sees a video on Instagram or they’re on your email list for a while or they’re kind of in your ecosphere for whatever period of time it might be a day or a decade, and then they decide to come to one of your events, or they meet you at an event or whatever.


Then that person walks up to you and says, oh my gosh, every time I turn around there, you are being helpful to me, right? You’re being helpful to me. And they might be meeting you for the first time and they say, wow, you’re exactly the person who I thought you would be. Yes. Because you paid attention to make sure all of that was intact.


Start finding clarity in life with the help of these books


Finding Clarity in Life: A Great Lesson About Being Productive


And then this lesson that you just gave us about how, you know, waking up or the shower or the drive, the whatever and sending yourself the video idea, and then you keep that running list. And then once a month you record it. That is a great lesson in productivity for onward business owners. That’s a huge gold nugget.


Yes. It’s a way of quickly implementing something that you don’t have time to do today. Yeah. But then, you know, it’s like you’re building your content without having to sit down for weeks at a time to write your content. Because when I first started this training business, that’s what I did. I held my house myself hostage for over a month, just writing hundreds of pages of content.


Yeah, and how much easier would that have been if I just sent myself an idea every day? Well, but. But also the reason why I think this is such a gold nugget you shared is because I think that’s another obstacle that you just help business owners with, because it’s like sitting down to the computer with the flashing cursor in the word document, quite frankly, a bit intimidating.


And then all of a sudden we forget the amazing, awesome, wonderful, beautiful, incredibly creative things we do every single day. Absolutely. And it’s like, oh, well, I’m not an expert. Why would anybody pay attention to me when the reality is that you’re driving, you’re thinking whatever throughout the entire day. You’re coming up with these great ideas, but you’re not documenting them.


And so then they’re gone. Yes, yes. Or I know people that have made their lists, and then that list is with a pile somewhere in the basement at that desk. But then they’re at their office and they can’t find that list. And so they start a new list, and then, of course, they’re somewhere else the next time they need to make the list.


And it’s never in the same place. And so for me, it was like, what’s with you every day? Your emails with you on your phone every day? Most people in today’s time. And so that subject line, whether it’s for me videos at this time or maybe it’s you know, this one’s a funny one. Writing my vows for my wedding this year.


Start finding clarity in life with the help of these books


Finding Clarity in Life: Making A Checklist When Growing Your Business


Yeah. It was like, oh, I have this thought. And I thought, oh, that’d be nice to put in some vows, and then it just flutters away. And so then I started thinking, oh, well, I can just email that to myself so that when I do have time to sit down and write those all at one time, it’s there.


I can take the combination of those. So maybe for another business it’s systems they want to improve, but they, you know, they think about it when they’re on the road like, oh, I really need to tell so-and-so this or we need to update that procedure. I’d like to do it a little differently, but then life takes its toll and you just go, oh, we’ll forget about that.


But what if you have that list kind of premade in your emails that was like system updates, and that’s your subject line. Every time you think of something in that category. So I say my brain is like a bunch of different little buckets. And I analyze everything. And so I think you can do that when you’re building your business, you’re growing your business.


Maybe you’re just updating it to keep with the times. Maybe it’s your personal life, those vacations you see. And then you think, well, I can’t remember where it was that I thought was so neat. Like there’s it’s endless if you just are able to get it to one location. For me, it’s email. And of course, think of that same thing the same way each time.


So vacation is vacation. Don’t dial it into Greece. You know, all the towns in Greece. Let’s just throw it all under vacation. The next galaxy. Yeah, exactly. Whatever that was. I’m Greek, so there you go. Well, okay, so let’s shift gears here for, from the social content thought leadership and over to the niche piece.


Yeah. And here’s what I mean by this. So, Onward Nation again, if you go back to 644, which I strongly encourage you to do, because not only the personal story, but it’ll just. And then how she built this business really out of the financial ashes. I mean, what she dug out of what Dixie dug out of is not only impressive that she did it, but then how she did it.


Okay. And then early on in the business, she realized, okay, I’m going to have to niche down. I’m going to have to really get a foothold in something. And then soon housing was something.


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Finding Clarity in Life: Running A Business That Wasn’t Niched Down


So, Dixie, now that you’re years into this and you’ve built a successful business, could you imagine your business?


Could you imagine running a business that wasn’t niched down as yours is? Oh my word. I think that’s the squirrel concept or the shiny object then realm when you’re not niched down or you’re a jack of all trades. But there’s a thing with that. But I can give all trades and a master of master of none.


There you go. And so I think that’s very applicable to niching your business. And that was another reason I was so fearful to, like, start the women’s group, because I thought that’s not part of my niche. My niche is just student housing and delivering it to the masses. Women, men, and young olds don’t matter to me. I wanted to help everyone.


But then that guided me into so many women coming to me and telling me their story and and really a lack of confidence in themselves and I suffered with the self-worth thing, like, I don’t deserve these things because I was so crappy at one point in my life. And so I think you have the niche, and yet at the same time, you’re niching.


I think you need to have some other things going on because I still believe you don’t put all your eggs in one basket, but find a niche that can survive a recession that can thrive, live through the recession, and thrive outside of the recession. And for me, student housing. Was that because I knew people were always going back to college when a recession hits and Mom and dad’s really preach at their kids, like, you have to go to college because we’ve had this recession and you can’t just go out there and do something.


You have to get that degree to specialize in something to be successful. And for me, I felt like that was my best way to survive the next recession. And now my words have changed. And to thrive in the next recession, not survive it. Because I’ve been in survival mode for so many years, then now I’m looking to thrive.


And if you are concentrating on that, you get lost in all the shiny syndrome, shiny object syndrome, and you never really accomplish or complete or find resolution in any of your ideas or any of your businesses because they’re all barely just making it really smart. And if I may add a piece of clarity, when you said you were crappy.


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Finding Clarity in Life: Working Hard to Prove Yourself


No, your situation was crappy. My situation definitely was. You know, you’re rock solid. Awesome. Yes. But you know, that’s just one thing. That’s how a lot of people look at themselves. And you go through those moments where you do feel that way about yourself and you. I worked really hard to prove to myself that it wasn’t actually me, right?


That it was the situation. And it took a while to convince myself that it wasn’t who I was. It did not define me. It was a place I was in. How long did it take you to sort through that? Just out of curiosity? Oh, my word. You know, I would say 2030. So 2010 is when everything started crashing down. In 2013 is when my bankruptcy was discharged.


And so since that was still a part of the picture, I don’t really feel like that healing began until 2013 is when it started, and it probably wasn’t really until 2016, 2017 that I began to feel like all of those things weren’t really me, and I could voice that. And I think even the first time you and I talked was one of the first times I shared my story, because most people aren’t proud of any of those things.


And my family, and especially we weren’t raised to get divorced. We were raised to have a great credit score. We just were raised to have this very high expectation of human life. And I now do share my story more often now, but I’ve changed the way I look at those things, and I call them now my badges of honor.


Start finding clarity in life with the help of these books


Finding Clarity in Life: Overcoming Challenges and Coming Out Strong


Amen. All of those things have created who I am today. And so instead of being embarrassed and ashamed of all of that, I know there’s a lot of people out there that struggle with one or all of the same things that I now call my badges of honor, college dropout, bankruptcy, divorce, single mom. All of those things are now part of my badges of honor and where I’ve come from.


And it was hard to change that mindset. So that’s what a good four years, probably before I really started accepting the new version of me. Amazing. And that’s why Onward Nation, I mentioned at the onset of the conversation that this would be a conversation about courage. Yes, clarity is her theme for the year, but it takes courage.


It takes boldness. It takes so much guts to look at the situation and say, that’s not me. You know, I’m going to do something about it now. I’m not going to do something about it overnight because it takes time. It took time to get into the situation. It’s going to take time to get out of it.


But you didn’t shrink and wither. You conquered that and built a successful business, out of nothing. And that is amazing. Dixie. Yes. Thank you, thank you. It’s really incredible. There really is hope out there. As cheesy as that thing is, there really is light at the end of the tunnel. If you allow yourself to go down this path, and if you’re busy recreating your black cloud over and over and over again, I don’t care where you move to or what job you get.


If you are recreating your black cloud, everything is always going to be awful. And so I see a lot of people think that new jobs are going to change their black cloud, but they’re the ones bringing their black cloud to the new jobs, and you’ve got to just get rid of it. You’ve just gotta have a new life.


And I do call it I have an old life and I have a new life, and old life has to stay out of today’s life. And here again, back to a lesson that you shared with me in the green room. I know that you’re about accountability and know that you’re about owning it. I know that you’re out spending time with the right people, and that just seems so consistent with what you just said there that it’s not somebody else’s problem or fault.


Although, you know, going back to your story, you did get the baggage of others dumped on you and you dealt with it. But it’s about accountability, owning it, making the right decisions, charting the course. And that takes courage. And you have it in spades. So, Dixie, I’m just I’m very grateful again that you said yes.


Had to come back for this encore. I knew that you would be super helpful to Onward Nation business owners, just like you were. So I know we covered a lot, but before we go, before we close out and say goodbye and any final advice that you’d like to share, anything you think we might have missed? And then please tell Onward Nation business owners the best way to connect with you.


Start finding clarity in life with the help of these books


Finding Clarity in Life: Final Advice from Dixie


Okay, that was a big, big question there. So I was looking at some of my notes and I was just some of the words that you used and that have come across my plate the last couple of weeks. I don’t care how talented you are or what your IQ score is, dig down deep and find your grit.


And if you can find that, you can do anything you want to do. And alongside that, find your authentic voice and follow it. And you and I kind of chatted about that, but I think that really sums up my year, even though we’re only into half of it for my personal and my professional life, all of those things come with clarity.


And so I just encourage everyone to find that and ditch that old version of you. If you don’t like that version or that situation or that time frame, just pick a new one. It sounds so simple, but just pick a new path and go for it. 


Start finding clarity in life with the help of these books


Finding Clarity in Life: How to Connect with Dixie


So the best way to connect with me and find I obviously social media, there’s a Dixie Decker Facebook page.


That’s a business page. I don’t do a lot of business talk on my personal page. And go follow me there, though. That’s how you know, it’s a business page. And then Instagram is, Queen of Student Housing. And the majority of our stuff is about real estate and where we’re turning some of it into mindset and business and hiring, firing employees and how to do that with a clean mind and emotional state because that’s one of the most feared things to do in business.


And it doesn’t have to be as ugly as it sounds. And then, of course, you can always just go to and kind of check out what we’ve got going on there for real estate people. And just have fun. Have fun in whatever you’re doing. If you hate it, get out of it. Okay. Onward Nation, no matter how many notes you took or how often you go back and listen to Dixie’s words of wisdom, which I sure hope that you do.


The key is that you have to take it. I mean, she gave you so many gold nuggets today, so many like productivity lessons and life lessons and ways to structure the projects, like the Instagram example. I mean, there’s just so much here. Take it, apply it, and accelerate your results in Dixie again, we all have the same 86,400 seconds today, and I’m grateful that you said yes to come on to the show to be our mentor and guide. Thank you so very much, Dixie. Thank you. Anytime.


This episode is complete. So head over to for show notes and more food to fuel your ambition. Continue to find your recipe for success here at Onward Nation.


Start finding clarity in life with the help of these books

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The Sell with Authority Podcast is for agency owners, business coaches, and strategic consultants who are looking to grow a thriving, profitable business that can weather the constant change that seems to be our world’s reality.

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