

The Sales Crucible: Your Roadmap to Closing More Deals and Growing Your Agency

Let’s be real—sales can be a wild and scary ride for agency owners. You’re passionate about your craft, but turning that passion into paying clients can feel like a never-ending game of cat and mouse. You’ve probably felt the pain of pitching to the wrong people, missing opportunities, and the grind of standing out amongst…

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Engaging Your Clients: How to be “Compellevant”

“What’s in it for me?” asks your hypothetical client. When it comes to formulating your value proposition, this question is at the center of it. It’s about establishing what makes you relevant to your clients and their needs. It’s about compelling them so they stay interested in you and what you have to say. As…

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The Dream 25 List: Your Ticket to New, Exciting Clients

At Predictive ROI, we talk a lot about the Trojan Horse of Sales. Most of us are familiar with the old legend of how the Greeks fooled the Trojans into taking a giant wooden horse filled with Greek soldiers into the city of Troy. This allowed the Greeks to open the gates for their whole…

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You Are Either Winning or Learning – or Both

In Onward Nation Episode 826, I spoke with Sue Hawkes. I was so impressed with her approach to guiding entrepreneurs through challenging times. Sue is a bestselling author, award-winning leader, certified Entrepreneur Operating System (EOS) Implementer, certified business coach, and globally recognized seminar leader. She serves as CEO of Yess where she helps entrepreneurial leadership…

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How to Create a People-First Culture

Culture speaks louder than words. We know a “people-first” culture when we’re experiencing it — either as an employee, a customer, a vendor, or some other stakeholder. And being a people-first organization gives you and your team such a competitive advantage. Peter Drucker’s infamous words “Culture eats strategy for breakfast” couldn’t be more on point…

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ROI of thought leadership

ROI of Thought Leadership

The words “Thought Leadership” are used so often that it’s easy to lose sight of the true definition of the moniker. And it’s difficult to visit social, YouTube, or do a Google search about a topic and not find several self-anointed “thought leaders” with an opinion to share along with a landing page designed to…

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How to Build a Business Development Framework in Your Business

Getting new clients doesn’t just happen. And since clients don’t just grow on trees, business development takes intentionality. It takes work. It takes a plan. You might even call this plan a business development framework. Well, if you’re looking to grow your business, we have framework to share with you. Full disclosure: I’m indebted to…

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What Does it Mean to Create Cornerstone Content?

What does it mean to create cornerstone content? I use the term Cornerstone Content a lot. I mean, a lot. So I thought it was time for a deep dive into what exactly I mean when I encourage business owners to create cornerstone content. Cornerstone content is your very best stuff, used in all kinds…

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What is the Trojan Horse of Sales Strategy?

Business development. Filling that sales pipeline. For business owners, it is job #1, whether it is our favorite thing to do or not. What if this could become one of your favorite tasks? That’s not hyperbole – let me explain. I want you to consider the potential impact on your business if you and your…

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Why Storytelling Matters and How to Do It

When you get the story right, how powerful can that be? Pretty powerful. When I started my business 7  years ago, I had hopes for what it would turn into, but nothing was certain. Maybe that has a familiar ring to it. I just knew I was on a mission to help other businesses thrive…

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Why the Number One Strategy for Success is to Sell First

I hate to tell you, but we’ve been doing it all wrong. I’m talking about SELLING. I’m talking about the process of getting your product or service to market and having customers buy it. In fact, we’ve all been doing it backward. Because getting your product or service to market is actually not the starting…

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Fill Your Sales Pipeline Q&A

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Sell with Authority Podcast

The Sell with Authority Podcast is for agency owners, business coaches, and strategic consultants who are looking to grow a thriving, profitable business that can weather the constant change that seems to be our world’s reality.

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