
Benefits of Morning Exercise: Make Yourself Feel More Energetic
Good morning. I’m Stephen Woessner, the CEO of Predictive ROI and the host of our daily podcast for business owners called Onward Nation.
I hope you’ve had a wonderful week.
However it is that you’ve come to our website, I want to thank you. Listeners of the Onward Nation Podcast know that I say this often — and if you’re a listener, I cannot thank you enough — but I am so grateful that you would spend some of your valuable time with us by listening to Onward Nation — and — reading this blog post. We all have the same 86,400 seconds in our day — and I thank you — from the bottom of my heart — for spending some of your time with us.
Onward Nation hit another milestone this week. Today we released our 150th episode. Thank you, thank you, thank you. We wouldn’t be here without you. It’s because of all of your time invested into listening and engaging with our podcast that we are able to bring these episodes to you each week. You make this podcast a viable opportunity for us — and we truly cannot thank you enough. It takes time and effort — but your continuous engagement makes it all worth it.
With the beginning of 2016 upon us — we’re trying something different at Onward Nation. In addition to our regular episodes, we’re bringing back previous Onward Nation guests to return in what we’re calling our “Encore” episodes. In these episodes, we’re bringing back the best of the best to dive even deeper into the strategies that make them the successes that they are. These guests teach all of us the lessons that can bring our businesses to the next level.
And I’m going to share one of those lessons with you today.
Today we brought back the amazing Shane Stott, and he delivered so many powerful lessons — the kind of lessons that you and I can put into practice right away.
In these new “encore” episodes, I’m asking each of our amazing returning guests to share what they do with first 60 minutes of their day. What Shane shared with me is something you can and should put into practice right away. In fact — I challenge you to start this tomorrow.
Shane learned from someone at work about a book called “The Miracle Morning” that discuss about the benefits of morning exercise and claims that if you trade in sleep for waking up and exercising you will find yourself with more energy. For 30 days, Tim — Shane’s colleague — got up an hour earlier every morning to work out for 30 minutes, meditate, and go through what he’s thankful for. After only a few weeks, Tim had more energy than he’s ever had in his life.
Simply put, this strategy works. So, Shane started this strategy too. And he combined waking up early every morning and working out with these incredible motivational videos. Shane wakes up and works out while watching and listening to the videos embedded below — every single morning. If you use this strategy too, it will change your life.
Thanks for reading.
Onward with gusto!
This week on Onward Nation
Episode 146: Deliberately improve everyday, with Paul Akers — can be found here.
Episode 147: When disobedience is the right thing to do, with Ira Chaleff — can be found here.
Episode 148: Leadership is a verb – not a noun, with John Addison — can be found here.
Episode 149: Have the mindset of a champion, with Gerard Adams — can be found here.
Episode 150: You’ve got to set the example, with Shane Stott — can be found here.
Image Credit: Rocky, 1977
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