Register Your Trademark

Episode 921: Register Your Trademark, with Joey Vitale

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Register your trademark to protect your company’s brand. Learn from Joey Vitale on why it’s so important to register your trademark.

In today’s podcast, Joey Vitale will discuss the importance of why you need to register your trademark. You will learn a lot because he is an attorney and business strategist for thriving entrepreneurs. As the Founding Attorney of Indie Law, Joey works with small business owners to protect their passions and give them the legal foundation they need to thrive and make an impact. Outside of his firm, Joey provides courses, presentations, and workshops that focus on the legal issues that matter most: trademarks, business formation, copyrights, and contracts. While based in Chicago, Indie Law serves business owners all over the country.


What you will learn from this episode about why you need to register your trademark:

  • Why Joey decided to break out on his own and began working with small businesses to help them protect their assets
  • Why you need to register your trademark and how Joey helps his clients better understand and navigate these issues
  • Why niching down and becoming the expert in his niche has been tremendously helpful in growing Joey’s business
  • Why half of the 500,000 trademark applications filed last year failed, primarily due to an existing or very similar trademark in place
  • Why trademarking descriptive words and phrases is becoming a major trend impacting sellers on e-commerce sites like Etsy
  • How Joey and his team help business owners monitor words and phrases that appear on their goods to help protect them from others who attempt to trademark those words
  • Why it is important for business owners to be proactive in protecting themselves, and what resources business owners can use to better understand trademark
  • How “common law trademark” and “registered trademark” differ, and how to use the Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) located at
  • Why protecting yourself with trademarks proactively is far more cost-effective than trying to fix problems after the fact, and why an attorney’s assistance is invaluable
  • How social media platforms are increasingly becoming protective of their names and are going after educators for using the platform name in the title of their courses
  • How you can protect your company’s brand once your register your trademark


Additional Resources:

Fill Your Sales Pipeline Q&A

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The Sell with Authority Podcast is for agency owners, business coaches, and strategic consultants who are looking to grow a thriving, profitable business that can weather the constant change that seems to be our world’s reality.

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