Making informed business decisions, with Darren Hardy & Stephen Woessner.
Episode 29
Darren Hardy is the visionary force behind SUCCESS magazine as its Publisher and Founding Editor.
Darren mentors many of today’s high-performing CEOs, advises many large corporations and sits on the board of several companies and non-profit organizations.
Darren is also a highly sought after keynote speaker, media contributor and the New York Times bestselling author of The Compound Effect and Living Your Best Year Ever.
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8 Money Draining Mistakes
This free video training series is based on over 20-years of research, analysis, and application.
Learn how to fix the money draining mistakes — and in doing so — you will expand your website traffic, generate more qualified leads, and increase your return on investment by 200 to 500%.
Series is taught by Stephen Woessner, CEO of Predictive ROI.
Video 1:
Money Draining Mistake #1: Lack of Baselines and S.M.A.R.T. Predictives
Video 2:
Money Draining Mistake #2: Lack of Distinction
Money Draining Mistake #3: High Bounce Rate
Video 3:
Money Making Opportunity #2: Build Your List
Money Making Opportunity #3: Create Well-prepared Prospects
8 Money Making Opportunities
Get ready to find your recipe for success from America’s top business owners here, at Onward Nation, with your host, Stephen Woessner.
StephenWoessner: Good morning Onward Nation. I am Stephen Woessner, and thank you for taking time out of your compressed schedule to be with me today for episode 29. I’m gonna mix it up a bit and share some very practical and tactical training that will help you move your business onward in this very special episode.
As you know, I ask our Onward Nations guests to share their most influential lesson they ever learned from one of their mentors. We’ve heard and learned some great lessons from the answers to this question, because a mentor can oftentimes help us see a situation from a completely different perspective, or help us accelerate our results and compress our learning. I’ve been blessed to be mentored by some amazing people, some of whom I’ve introduced to you already through Onward Nation interviews.
One of those mentors, I’ve had the privilege and honor to learn from directly is Darren Hardy, the former publisher of Success Magazine. Darren has taught me so much that perhaps I’ll devote an entire episode to those lessons from my time with him. But for now, in this episode, episode 29, I’m gonna share an interview that Darren and I did together, but I didn’t interview Darren. He actually interviewed me. Talk about a gut wrenching experience. Here’s a guy who interviews the most successful people on the planet, and I was sitting with him under the lights, cameras on. Good grief, I was so nervous.
Darren asked me to discuss the eight money draining mistakes. Those are the things, those very expensive mistakes that most business owners make online. And then once those are fixed, how to apply what I call the money making opportunities. I give lots of context to definitions as to what those things are during the interview. It takes me a minute to really find my legs and get my groove in this interview, so please hang with me here. Stick with the episode, I promise, I share some practical and tactical steps that you can put into practice right away to make your business more predictable, more repeatable and measurable. So just be patient here, I get a little nervous in the beginning.
And then be sure to check out the show notes for this episode, because we include the links to the free video training series that I produced, because I knew that Darren was gonna ask me for something awesome. So I came to that interview with these three video trainings produced already, so that he could share those with his Success Magazine community.
So, without further ado, here is Darren Hardy from Success Magazine, and me, for episode 29, Onward With Gusto.
Darren Hardy: Hi, good morning, good afternoon, or good evening. This is Darren Hardy, publisher of Success Magazine, and CEO to many of today’s high performing CEO’s, one of which I have with me here today, which is why we are doing this great interview. With me is CEO Stephen Woessner. He has been studying and practicing digital marketing since really the advent of the internet. Not to say anything about his age, but to say more about his experience and wisdom. Also, his great work has been published in academic journals, he’s written two books on the subject as well. I first met Stephen when he was selected to be one of my high performance forums CEO’s where we took him through a three day intensive. And I am told and proud to say, based on what it is that he learned, he’s going to produce an additional five million dollars in revenue over the next 12 months. So, we are here in the learning theater of the [inaudible 00:03:57] hotel, resort and spa in beautiful La Jolla, California. We’re on the eve of one of my high performance summits, where we’re going to have 125 ambitious achievers who are coming in from all over the United States and in parts of the world, for a full day experience of how to achieve extreme levels of personal productivity.
So we’re excited about tomorrow, but right now, I’m excited about this opportunity to dig out of this man the great insights and wisdom he’s collected in the areas of digital marketing. He’s gonna talk to us about the eight money draining mistakes most people make in their online marketing and web presence. And then, I’m gonna ask him to talk about the seven moneymaking opportunities that all of us can exercise if we get this great wisdom from Stephen. So, that’s my job is to try to unearth the best of what he’s got and pass it over to you. So, thank you for joining me. And Stephen, thank you for joining me as well.
StephenWoessner: Thanks for the invitation.
Darren Hardy: Appreciate you sitting down and doing this and so we can get this out to our Great Success audience and beyond. So, let me go with the questions that I have prepared for this interview. First of all, let’s start with definitions. Give us the definition of the eight money draining mistakes that most online marketers or most online marketing plans and schemas make.
StephenWoessner: Sure. Well, as you mentioned in the introduction, I’ve really been doing this since the advent of the commercial Internet, which is really 20 plus years, and during that time, I’ve collected 10’s of thousands of data points. So, that’s given me the ability to identify those eight money drainers. And those are the things that literally cause a website to leak serious money every day. I mean, just tons of money just falling right out. Cash being sucked right out of the business.
Darren Hardy: Okay, so money that they should have collected that there’s a hole in the boat and it’s just pouring out. So, let’s, define for us then the money making opportunities.
StephenWoessner: So those are the things that really accelerate profits and drive profits online by 200 to 500% or more in 12 months or less. I mean, that’s typically the result that we see in that time period.
Darren Hardy: Okay, so we’ve got a baseline, a framework for what we’re gonna talk about. So let’s talk about what are some of the biggest, like, let’s start with the big rocks, mistakes that people make in their digital marketing or their online web presence. What’s the biggest that you see?
StephenWoessner: Okay. So the most expensive one, in my opinion, is bounce rate. So bounce rate is when someone comes to, let’s say, a home page or any page within your website, and for whatever reason, they look at it, the message, they search for it, they found it. But they just puke in a bucket, they didn’t like it. For whatever reason, right? And so, then they immediately leave. So they’re termed as bounce. And typically, the unoptimized website, about 50 to 60% is what the average bounce rate is. And so to say that another way, between 50 and 60% of all the visitors, and we spent all that time to try to recruit to the site. Through SEOing, PPC, and social media and all the different types of ways we’re pulling traffic in, 50 to 60% are leaving immediately before they make one single click. So it becomes very, very expensive. We never have the opportunity to convert those people.
Darren Hardy: So, first of all, it reminds me of being an 18 year old, and you’re passing through a crowd of girls that you’re trying to attract. And the ones that don’t take notice of you are just bouncing. That would be the equivalent, right? You’ve paid all this time, energy, and money to go to this party and then there’s just this incredible bounce rate. Or they’re not interested, or to your term, puking in a bucket. So, what causes this? What causes the bounce rate, first of all? And I guess the answer could be, what’s the quick fix for it?
StephenWoessner: Alright. So the optimal bounce rate should be about 30%. So you know, between 60 and 30, that’s really what we’re looking for. And there are three simple ways that any business owner, entrepreneur can fix bounce rate. The first one is actually something that I learned from you during the high performance forum. And I liked it so much, we immediately put it to the process. And that’s the x, y, z exercise that you beat us up on. And it’s a really good one. So, we answered those three questions for our clients. And that’s, we do x, and x being the product or service. For y, and y being the customer profile. So they can z, and z being result outcome. Now, it seems really simple. It’s like, any business owner should be able to say, we do x for y so they can z. But I tell you, if you go to most business websites or entrepreneurs, you do not see the x, y, z clearly mapped out. And here’s the statistic. When a business owner defines x, y, z. They answer those three powerful questions. Fundamental questions for the business. Bounce rate goes down by 10% or more in two days. Just by doing that.
Darren Hardy: You go to most websites, and it’s just like, here’s me, here’s me, here’s what we do, here’s me, here’s me, here’s me. And it’s not, here’s what we do for whom and here’s the result outcome that we drive very quickly, very simply. So that’s one right off the top. I’m sure everybody, if they just stopped the interview right now, went to their website, looked at it, made that change, we’d have a dramatic impact to their result in reducing their bounce rate. I mean, you’re spending all this time and money. They’re plotting and scheming to get people to their website, and then they’re just bouncing. It’s futile. It’s egregious really. So, what’s another one? Give us another big money drainer that you see out there most often.
StephenWoessner: Well, there’s two more pieces to bounce rate. Okay, so once they’ve done the x, y, z. The two other pieces are eliminating visual clutter. In fact, the Harvard Business Review just did a great study, or published a study in the March issue. They talked about how more choice actually leads to no action. And so, you know, we take and study the home pages or content pages. We find that when there are 15 options, people take no action at all. So, instead of having 15 graphics and photos and copy blocks and banners and flashing things and those types of things, have three. Instead of 15. So, when you eliminate visual clutter, and then back that up with clear calls to action. Again, bounce rate goes down and we’ve seen that happen. We would do those three things, x, y, z, eliminate clutter, clear calls to action, bounce rate goes down by about 20% or more in just two days.
Darren Hardy: So was that the third, that clear call to action?
StephenWoessner: Yes, exactly.
Darren Hardy: So, clear message, remove everything else, tell them what to do.
StephenWoessner: And it sounds so fundamental, doesn’t it?
Darren Hardy: Right, but if now I want everybody to go and reevaluate their website, their brochure, their email, their promotion and go use that formula and then realize how so easy it is. How little it is being executed.
StephenWoessner: Right.
Darren Hardy: Okay, so that’s bounce rate was number one. So then, what’s another big money mistake?
StephenWoessner: Okay. Again, something else I learned from you during HPF. So, everybody was watching was thinking, well, gee, did you just mimic HPF and put it into your process? And actually, your thumbprints are all over the money drainers and money makers because HPF was really great. So the next one is [inaudible 00:11:02]. Not knowing your customer. And, it is so, again, because in the example you just gave a couple of minutes ago about me, me, me. Well, that’s not what people want when they come. I mean, they’re looking for, how does this people understand me and what my motivations are? What are the pains that I’m feeling and what are the emotional fears and challenges and so forth that I’m dealing with? And like you like to say, you need to be able to lay in the bed at night of your customer to really understand what’s plaguing them. So, predictive. We call her Sally. And her male counterpart is Harry, just because I like that movie. And so, Sally, whenever we put something out to prospective customers, we’re speaking right to Sally. And I know that you do that at Success. And so Sally is, she’s ambitious, she reads lots of books, but she doesn’t know a good idea from a bad idea.
She’s been burned before, she’s afraid, she doesn’t know who to trust. And she literally has looked at me and said Stephen, I want to be able to trust you. That you can do what you say that you can do. And that you’re going to deliver on those promises and you’re gonna do that quickly. And so when we can connect with Sally, it becomes less about the digital marketing stuff that we do and more about trust. Cause really we’re in the trust business. And so, when we can connect on that emotional level, it’s great. And so, I encourage that anybody who’s watching here, you know, the business owner at home, is going to look at that, go evaluate all their content pages, and are they speaking, are they just vomiting on a page? Or are they really trying to connect with Sally or Harry on the emotional level?
Darren Hardy: Right, speaking to their feelings, their worries, their anxieties, their hopes, their aspirations. And letting them know through your communication that you understand. You know, their frustrations, their pain, and that you can help solve their problems empathetically through that kind of communication.
StephenWoessner: Exactly.
Darren Hardy: Okay, great. So those are two really big ones. Now, I don’t know that you’ve prepared a third one, but these are so good, that I want to get a third one from you if we’ve got one. So, do you have another? What is the third biggest money drainer that you see out there for websites or digital strategies?
StephenWoessner: Okay. SEO done poorly. So what I mean by that is, we’re in the business of collecting or selecting what we call predictive keywords. You know, kind of like Gordon Gecko, Michael Douglas’ character in Wall Street, did a really great job. One of his famous lines is, I bet on sure things. So, we do the same thing with the keyword business. We’re looking for proven performers. We call those predictive keywords. The keywords that are not only going to lead to traffic, because we know that they’re used every single day. But also, they’re going to lead to conversions because they’re related to the business and relevant to the business. Like, you can go out tomorrow and develop a number one ranking for purple feather boas. But you’re not in the purple feather boa business, so it doesn’t really matter.
Darren Hardy: And I’m not into purple feather boas too, just in case you were wondering.
StephenWoessner: Yeah, okay. Except for Saturday nights.
Darren Hardy: Yeah.
StephenWoessner: But often, business owners make that mistake. So I use that as kind of a crazy example, but they’re all excited about getting a number one ranking on Google for a keyword that doesn’t matter. Alright, so. A real quick, easy tool that they can use is they can go to It’s a free resource. It’s owned by Aaron Wall. I have absolutely no financial affiliation with Aaron, but he’s a good friend. And, his glossary is in the back of my book. Great stuff. Free tool. Use the keyword suggestion tool. It’ll tell you the number of times, every single day, that the keyword is searched on Google. Now, that might, in and of itself, not be novel. But once you know that that keyword is used everyday, then you go into Google, do an exact match search. Meaning, in quotes for that same keyword. And as long as there’s a million less competing pages, now you know it’s not very competitive. Even though a million sounds like a lot. So now you know that the keyword is used every single day, it’s relevant to the business, and it’s not very competitive. Now, design a content page around that keyword.
Darren Hardy: So, now you just gave a lot of technical information that is extremely valuable that I think, if somebody’s listening, might have just gone, ph! Can you produce a document that has those specific instructions on it that maybe we can give away as part of this? Because I do think that seeing that and kind of following the steps would be helpful.
StephenWoessner: Sure, yeah, absolutely.
Darren Hardy: One of your books that talks about this was written in 2009. Which is 400 years ago in the age of the Internet.
StephenWoessner: Right.
Darren Hardy: So, I talked to you about that before and you said it is as relevant today as it was in 2009 because it’s dealing with the fundamentals of what makes great websites work. So, what are the fundamentals that are still relevant from 2009?
StephenWoessner: Well, a lot of people in this digital space try to make it scary. Like, SEO is the mystic, black voodoo magic or something like that. And it’s just too hard, Darren, you can’t really figure this out for yourself and that’s why you need to pay us to do it for you. And the reality is, is that you can. In fact, Google doesn’t change their algorithm everyday as people like to think. In fact, you can go to Google and google Google algorithm changes and it’ll tell you when they change it and why. And it happens to be two times a year and it’s been that way for the last decade. And the reason why they do it is in order to either patch holes or somebody’s abusing the system. It’s not to beat up people like you and me and the people who are watching this video. If you’re an entrepreneur business owner today, focus on your human visitors and creating great content and experiences for them online. And the reality is, Google will reward you for it. So, the reason why the process still works, and here’s a little bit of a buzzkill. I wrote the book in 2009. I came up with the process five years before that.
And it still works today, just as well as it did before. Three weeks ago we created, or scored, 18 number one rankings on Google for top performing keywords for a client. It still works today, because it’s about best practices and creating a great user experience.
Darren Hardy: And isn’t the bottom line is you just create really great content that is relevant to what somebody’s looking for? And essentially, that’s what Google wants to index is great value. So, bottom line is, you can skip all the voodoo and the reading the tea leaves, and just create really great content that somebody gives a crap about. Enough people give a crap about, and you’ll rank high in the Google. Is that pretty much it?
StephenWoessner: It is it. It is it.
Darren Hardy: Alright, so, that’s the short summary of your book, by the way.
StephenWoessner: Alright.
Darren Hardy: So, before we leave the potential mistakes that people are making, because I’m really enjoying this. Cause I think a lot of people are going, oh my goodness. Right? Is there another you got up your sleeve before we go into the money making opportunities?
StephenWoessner: Mm-hmm (affirmative). And it’s actually money drainer number one. So, I may sound like a broken record, but again, I lifted this from you. It wasn’t at HPF, but actually from your book, Living Your Best Year Ever. And that’s where you talk about smart goals. So, specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, time sensitive. Awesome stuff. I put that at the front end of our process because it’s been my experience for the last 20 plus years, that when you go and ask a business owner. You know, what are you doing online? You know, essentially form a baseline. Don’t know. They don’t know what the traffic is, they don’t know how many leads they got, they don’t know what the missed opportunities or what they should be getting for sales. And it’s because there aren’t any, or there is not, any sort of smart framework in place. So, that’s the first thing that we do. And that’s what defines the future opportunity. By putting it into this specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, time sensitive construct. So the first one is, always, we’re going to take the traffic, the unique visitors, and we’re going to increase that by 100% or more.
And because that’s the linchpin that funnels down through everything else. So, if we can increase traffic by 100% or more, then that leads to bounce rate 30% or less. Then that leads to 100% more increase in leads. And then the same thing with revenue. So we can double revenue in 12 months or less just because we follow the smart framework. Knowing exactly what we’re going to accomplish before we get started. And that’s what makes us smart because the reality is good isn’t good enough anymore. Or I just want more is not a good answer. So that’s why we put it in that construct.
Darren Hardy: Right. So instead of just wandering in the woods, you lay out the stepping stones in front of you, connect the dots, and funny how you end up where you want to go.
StephenWoessner: Exactly.
Darren Hardy: Great. So let’s move towards the money making opportunities. So I’m excited about this. People are already locked in. Okay, I’ve cleared up my mistakes. I’ve got plugs in the holes of all the leaky spots in my boat. Now, I want to put a motor at the back of my boat and go fast. So, what’s the biggest, of all the money making opportunities that you see, what’s the biggest one? Start us out with big one.
StephenWoessner: Okay. And it’s actually a combo, it’s like a one two punch. Of money maker two and three. So, money maker two is build a list. Right? I mean, it is the most valuable asset in any business. It’s not capital equipment, it’s not inventory, it’s not people. Cause all of that stuff can leave. Most of the entrepreneurs watching us today, they were a one person operation at some point. If all the employees left, they could rebuild if they needed to. They don’t want to. That would be a terrible scenario. But if all their customers left, that would be horrible. So, the customer list is the most important thing. So the very first thing that we put into place is a way to build that list. And so we create a value exchange, right? We put a value exchange in place where it’s a, either fantastic PDF, something that’s screaming cool, using your language. So, another piece that I’ve adopted. Something screaming cool, whether a video series, something really exclusive and awesome. And we put that into place and it becomes a free download. We ask for three things. First name, last name, email. On that window that comes up, it’s not an annoying popup. It’s a very elegant looking popover, that presents that value exchange in a really great way.
And here’s the reality. When you put a screaming cool offer in front of targeted traffic and you only ask for first name, last name, email. And you say things like, your email address will never be shared or sold and this window will only be displayed once, between six and 13% of all visitors will opt in for that. So, you think about that. If you’re getting 1,000 unique visitors a month and many people watching are getting much more than that. Maybe it’s 10,000. 13% of 10,000 is a lot. And that list starts to accelerate. So that’s the very first piece. We need to get more prospects, or suspects, into the funnel and that’s the way to do it.
Darren Hardy: So I’m sitting here thinking of my own websites going, dang, I got some work to do. So, maybe as part of all this value exchange, of giving you all these great ideas, you can go and you can fix all my stuff. How about that?
StephenWoessner: I was actually going to offer that too.
Darren Hardy: Great. On camera. I got it. That’s great. So, we’ve got two and three. What’s next after that? Let’s help everybody watching make even more.
StephenWoessner: So, once we get all of those people. And I think John Jance did a great intake marketing. Which I just listened to actually off your Success Summaries, which was fantastic. Anyway, you know, the new funnel today, the sales funnel. You know, John describes it as the know, like, and trust funnel. And then, down at the bottom, once trust is created, then it’s the try, buy, repeat and then tell the world. Alright, so once they’ve opted in, now they know us. So now it’s our job to move them through to the bottom of that funnel so then they trust us and buy. So the best way to do that, in my opinion, is to create wealth and pure prospects like Dan Kennedy likes to say. And so then, we set up a series of email sequences, you know, that once they opt in for that, then we give, give, give some more of stuff that’s related to that original value exchange. And then at the end, we offer them an exclusive 60 minute webinar. Then we deliver 60 minutes of awesomeness during the webinar that’s related to that entire exchange. And then at the end of the webinar, there’s a conversion opportunity. You can buy this or register for that or whatever. One of our clients did that in four weeks, five weeks. She generated $110,000 in incremental revenue by just doing that plan. It’s awesome.
Darren Hardy: So, I’m thinking about my own scenario of problems. And I’m thinking people who are watching might be thinking of their own as well. Just, if you wouldn’t mind, what does your organization do? Like, if someone’s going, okay, I’ve got these problems and I have these opportunities, but I don’t necessarily know that I’ve got time, energy, space, or staff to execute on them, how does your company work with entrepreneurs?
StephenWoessner: So, if a company is between a million to 30 million dollars a year. I mean, that’s really our sweet spot. We have absolutely no interest in working with Fortune 500 companies. We’re really looking to, I mean, where we really connect well is, you know, the high performing, the CEO, the entrepreneur who really wants fast results. Is running a company in that size. And so then, typically, we will sit down and develop those smart predictives, understand what the baseline is, what the opportunity is, how that connects in with the overall business. And typically, we’ll take a company that might be two million dollars a year and we’ll take them to four million dollars a year and then we guarantee that. So we predict what the outcome’s going to be in the form of revenue, and then we guarantee that performance. And if we don’t deliver that return on investment, which is typically 200% or more. Sometimes it’s been as high as 1300%. If we don’t deliver that, I will sit down across the table from Darren, at the end of the 12 months, and I’ll write Darren Hardy a check for the entire fee. So it’s 100% free.
Darren Hardy: So, before you even take dollar one, you guarantee the result. They become satisfied that that’s the result they’re after, it will be worth more than that. And then they engage you and if you don’t hit on that, you give them the entire fee back.
StephenWoessner: Exactly.
Darren Hardy: Well played sir, because that’s one of the things that we talked about at the High Performance Forum is an audacious, bold guarantee. I mean, put your money where your mouth is, right? If you know you’re so awesome, but I have to sort of trust you and give you money and hope that it works out, take that risk off the table, make a bold guarantee, deliver results as you know you would. Everybody’s happy, rides off into the sunset. Any other money making opportunities that you want to share in this short little video interview here that would be great to pass along?
StephenWoessner: Okay, so two more tools. I’m a big fan of a company called AdRoll. So they can go to And in my opinion, they’re the leaders of, they’re on the Inc 500 list too this year. Leaders in retargeting or remarketing as it’s sometimes called. So, people come to a website, or maybe your website or my website. And, you know, they look at it. For whatever reason they decide not to convert. And then they’re off at the Wall Street Journal or any sort of website that takes Google Advertising. And then all of a sudden, they see an ad for Darren Hardy for they see an ad for whatever it was. You know, you’re almost like following them around the Internet. And the reality is, what happens is conversion rate goes up by 600 to 800%. Because they’re already familiar with you, they know you, and now they’re out and about and they see you again. So then they like you, trust you and then buy. 600 to 800% higher conversion rate.
Darren Hardy: I know I have, as a consumer, have bought things, where I just went to the website, looked at it, and then it followed me around. Sometimes you have to be careful what you click on. I went and saw this, I think in Esquire, this undershirt supposed to be like, this is the most awesome shirt you’ve ever worn or your money back. So I went to the website and then I’m all over the Internet and it’s following me now. They don’t only sell undershirts, but they sell men’s underwear, right? So I get all these ads with like these man’s underwear, you know? All over the place. Sometimes you have to be careful what you click on. So, alright, anything else before we part with the money making opportunities?
StephenWoessner: Yeah, last one, AB testing. Huge fan of AB testing. Because, the reality is, I liked what you talked about on the compound effect. You have to be consistent, you have to do the little things, you have to do them consistently well over time. Because, eating a salad today doesn’t mean that you’re gonna lose 20 pounds. But eating a salad for, every day for the next 45 days, you may lose seven or eight pounds. And so, AB testing really fits into that. What can we do, what can we measure, what can we change consistently over time and evaluate and make changes based on data? So I’m a big fan of visual website optimizer. So if people go to, they can do a free trial, 30 days. Again, no financial affiliation with the company, I just really like their tool. I think it’s rocking awesome. And it’s like 45 bucks a month. So, to not be testing and you don’t even need HTML experience. You can literally take a copy of the page, and you can make adjustments to it. And launch a test, a B variation. You essentially copy the changes. In 10 minutes, and you can increase conversion rate by 200% in 10 minutes.
Darren Hardy: Okay, so I’m sitting here going, bummed that I don’t have my journal and pen and I’m taking notes and a lot of this stuff is flying and I want to be sure that I capture it. So, can you put together a document that sort of spells out what we’ve talked about in these different websites and these different tools?
StephenWoessner: Of course.
Darren Hardy: That we can accompany the video interview with?
Stephen Woessner: Yeah, have to.
Darren Hardy: And then also, I’m a big believer in screaming awesome giveaway tool. So what else could you provide those that are watching as a follow up that’s just nothing but value and awesome?
Stephen Woessner: Okay, well I kind of figured that you would ask. And so, last week, I was actually at the Ritz Carlton in Orlando. Because that’s going to be the future home in January of Predictive [inaudible 00:28:20] Live where you’re speaking. And so, that’s our big signature event. And so, I wanted to be able to produce several training segments. And so that’s what I did. I actually taught three, kind of mini classes if you will. And the first one’s on money drainer number two and bounce rate. And the next one’s on smart predictives and how to do that. I’ve got a white board, I’m sketching it all out. They’re 10 to 15 minutes each. 100% free. I’m happy to give that to you, whoever wants it. Just great stuff.
Darren Hardy: Oh, that’s great. Good, that’ll be a fantastic follow up. Good, so just straight training, spelled out, written out, story boarded, the whole thing. Okay. Hey thank you very much for imparting your great wisdom, giving it away so that everybody else could enjoy this. And for those that are watching, I hope that one day you get a chance to sit in one of these chairs, go through one of our High Performance Summits, which is a full day event. Or, as Stephen, and so many other high performing CEO’s have done, go through one of our High Performance Forums, which is three days. Also here in beautiful La Jolla, California. So with that, once again, I’m Darren Hardy, publisher of Success Magazine and we’ll be talking to you in some other platform for some other reason for some other way that we’re trying to help you grow and empower your future. So, buh bye for now.
Speaker 1: This episode is complete so head over to for show notes and more food to fuel your ambition. Continue to find your recipe for success here at Onward Nation.
Fill Your Sales Pipeline Q&A
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The Sell with Authority Podcast is for agency owners, business coaches, and strategic consultants who are looking to grow a thriving, profitable business that can weather the constant change that seems to be our world’s reality.